The magic of landing my first role on Broadway went 'poof' in a matter of a few weeks.

People sometimes forget how important Broadway is as a place for young actors to grow.

When I look around at Broadway and the West End, theatre is becoming an exclusive club.

I love 'Bullets Over Broadway,' but I'm pretty sure Woody Allen hasn't killed somebody.

I would love to do a Broadway play. I would love to do big screen also, motion picture.

We are living in the excesses of freedom. Just take a look at 42nd Street and Broadway.

I relished the opportunity to be on Broadway... It's the holy grail for people like me.

I've always felt embraced by the Broadway community even before I felt like I earned it.

More people saw the pilot of 'Glee' than saw me in my entire 10-year career on Broadway.

I'd be very surprised if 'The Greatest Showman' didn't end up on Broadway at some point.

We may have limped onto Broadway as the underdogs, but underdogs bite back occasionally.

Broadway! Broad-way! I don't aspire to the middle. I aspire to the tip-tip-top of it all.

I grew up singing, and I played on Broadway to thousands of people, you know what I mean?

It's a very big collaborative effort to do an animated feature and to do a Broadway show.

I auditioned for the part of Cosette in 'Les Miserables' on Broadway. It didn't work out.

I love going to see the theatre whether it's a Broadway play or a Russian ballet company.

If you have something important to say, Broadway and New York are great places to say it.

I feel like being on Broadway will convince my mother that my theater degree was worth it.

I wouldn't mind doing Broadway, but I am definitely trying to get a album out there first.

I hoped, hoped, that maybe I'd be lucky enough to do something on Broadway, in the chorus.

To be honest, it was a little bit of a surprise to me that my Broadway debut was a musical.

I think coming East and doing something like Broadway would probably be a good career move.

It's every actor's dream to work in a hit show on Broadway and also shoot a television show.

I did 'Spring Awakening' on Broadway for about three years, and I did over 500 performances.

Don't know about a cabaret act right now, would actually prefer a role in a broadway musical.

There are a lot of other work forces that don't do things the way the Broadway community does.

'Broadway Bound' is near and dear to my heart, as it was one of my happiest times on Broadway.

I spent a lot of time in the trenches in New York doing a lot of off-off-off Broadway theater.

A 'Looking' musical would completely bring me back to Broadway. I would come back in a second.

I'm making my Broadway musical debut at the age of 73 - it's a kind of interesting career arc.

Broadway is not just the song and the shows; it's the individual performers and the community.

I've been blessed by doing classic plays on Broadway, which was one of my great dreams forever.

I love Broadway. And, I listen to country music, which I think a lot of people find surprising.

Without a doubt, I'd love to do Broadway. I actually can't wait to get back to musical theater.

I love acting. I love singing. Eventually, I'd love to go on Broadway. I love New York so much.

I did Chicago on Broadway the year before last. That was a great opportunity and I had a blast.

My middle daughter is with the Royal Shakespeare Company and was on Broadway several years ago.

I want a TV series, I'm gonna do some acting jobs, I'm gonna do some Broadway jobs, everything!

I was asked if I'd audition for a part in a Broadway musical because the director just loved me.

I got into a Broadway show before I ever sang and danced. I learned how after I got in the show.

And, I'd never done Tennessee Williams, and I had done Broadway musicals, so it was a challenge.

And what would be great numbers in a Broadway show are now on stage of the New York City Ballet.

Maybe when my kids are grown up, I can go back to Broadway. It would be great someday, I suppose.

I thought I would move to New York and be on Broadway; that was my goal. I was very work-focused.

Doing my Broadway show '700 Sundays' reminded me how much I love working in front of an audience.

Once I found out how much an Off-Off-Broadway actor makes, I was whoring myself out the next day.

So in case there was any doubt, I am here to report that having a play on Broadway does not suck.

There is a strange kind of parental pride when 'Topdog' ends up on Broadway, or 'Elaine Stritch.'

The Broadway schedule is so tough, so relentless there was almost no time to enjoy all the stuff.

The store experience must become a performance, with the energy and precision of a Broadway play.

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