Hip-hop was indifferent to Broadway. We didn't need Broadway, but I think Broadway needed hip-hop.

To be rapping in a musical on Broadway is just - that sentence doesn't make any sense in my brain.

By the time I started writing plays, Broadway was never an expectation, so it's never been central.

Broadway shows in New York draw two times the attendance of all New York sports teams put together.

I'd love to do something where I can act and dance at the same time, like on Broadway or in movies.

I always joke around with my parents and say that if Hollywood doesn't work out I'll go to Broadway!

Every day of my life, I wish I was on Broadway. It's my favorite place. It's my heart; it's my soul.

I love the Broadway audiences, who relish live drama and don't hesitate to display their enthusiasm.

Broadway is such a beautiful community, both with the people who do it and the people who go see it.

All my roots are Broadway. I got my Equity Card doing a Broadway show, and my first love is theater.

I would like to initiate an initiative - the Broadway Annoying Audience Member Relocation Programme.

'Dancin' was exceptionally significant. I was in an original Broadway show and nominated for a Tony.

I'm an actor. I started as an actor. I started on Broadway doing 'Hair' and Shakespeare in the Park.

I already have a Tony for my Broadway concert in '73. It's one of the most precious things I've won.

If you're a child, and you're on Broadway, you automatically know every other child in a production.

I don't want to miss out on my grandchildren and my daughter, and doing Broadway would do just that.

I live in Derry, a little town in Ireland, and I don't have the background of Hollywood or Broadway.

I would love to do Evita or Elphaba in Wicked. But I am more excited to originate a role on Broadway.

To watch Lin Manuel Miranda... you could not make a better spokesperson for Broadway in a laboratory.

Being on Broadway is the modern equivalent of being a monk. I sleep a lot, eat a lot, and rest a lot.

Mr. Brooks and I have been friends forever. He is in seventh heaven with his new success on Broadway.

I think Broadway is waking up to the idea that rap is an incredible tool for telling a musical story.

I was really into dancing, taking six classes a week, and my real dream was to be in a Broadway show.

Essentially I'm a melody person in a rhythm age, and that's what Broadway is really about, the songs.

After I saw 'Annie' on Broadway, I came out of the show crying, because I wanted to be on that stage.

There are many Broadway songs that apply to moments on 'Mad Men,' and I sing them on set all the time.

I certainly wanted my name in lights. I wanted my name on a marquee. I wanted recognition on Broadway.

I moved to New York City in the '80s to be an actress and to be on Broadway. That was always my dream.

Broadway is obviously a dream come true, but audiences everywhere continue to make performing a blast.

I got my first paycheck as a cast member in the Broadway production of 'HAIR' when I was 16 years old.

There is only one thing I respect in so-called Broadway actors... and that is their competitive sense.

All of a sudden, I was a young kid in my early 20s, and I had a couple of Broadway shows to my credit.

I had never auditioned for Broadway - any play - and I was not familiar with what you're supposed to do

To be an English person in my 20s, doing a Broadway show - it's one of the mountains I wanted to climb.

My dream of dreams is to write Broadway musicals. All of this Twitter and TV writing is just a day job.

The first Broadway show I ever heard was the recording of Carousel, and it was a very vivid experience.

Film is much more of a brand business, whereas on Broadway, you can do complete unknowns and have hits.

For your first musical in New York, to go to Broadway and be nominated for a Tony is a dream come true.

I'm really excited about the revolution that is young people actually playing young people on Broadway.

I would really have liked to have gone to Broadway with 'A Streetcar Named Desire.' I was proud of that.

All I ever wanted to do was bit parts on Broadway. I have more than achieved any goal that I aspired to.

I had never auditioned for Broadway - any play - and I was not familiar with what you're supposed to do.

If you had asked me when I was little, like, 'Imagine you were on Broadway,' I'd be like, 'Yeah, right.'

'One Night Only,' the words I'll be hearing from my agents when I tell them I'm coming back to Broadway.

I'm in a play on Broadway, I have an animated TV show coming up, I have a few movies that just came out.

I'm convinced whenever something opens on Broadway, it's a miracle. It's a miracle that people survived.

The great thing about doing a series about the Broadway community is that the possibilities are endless.

I'm hoping to do a Broadway musical on the life of Rasputin. He's someone I can definitely identify with.

I never wanted to be a wrestler, I wanted to get into musical theater. I always wanted to be on Broadway.

I do Broadway because I refuse to succumb to the stereotypical things that Hollywood does to a performer.

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