Strong brows give me character.

Pop music will never be low brow.

I think big brows are pretty cool.

I don't do anything with my brows.

A thicker brow looks more feminine.

Strong brows is what I have, and I embrace them.

They may be a little more high brow than we are.

Lip balm can double up for taming the brows, too.

I use clear mascara on my brows to neaten them up.

When I meet a woman, I know how her brow will look.

Richer brows give you a sophisticated, feminine look.

I like to brush my brows up and curve them toward the end.

Only by the sweat of my own brow. I am a totally working man.

As a kid, I got teased about my unibrow. Now I love my brows.

Hope is the word which God has written on the brow of every man.

This tragic brow, these closed eyes, eyebrows raised and knotted.

I've been rocking these brows and crazy hair since I can remember.

I'm not a fan of brows that look blocky and square-like at the front.

A mechanical brow pencil can create the appearance of fine brow hairs.

Know, thou, that the lines that live are turned out of a furrowed brow.

My basics for a daytime look are simple: powder, gloss, brows and lashes.

I love eyebrows, so brow pencils and brow shadow are really important to me.

I've bleached my brows and things like that, but otherwise, I just let them be.

I do a little bit of minimal brow wrangling myself. I get the strays out of the way.

In Romania it was normal that when you got a facial someone would tweeze your brows.

Brows that are too round tend to elongate the face making eyes look droopy and tired.

Brows more or less can sculpt the face and minimize features you find less flattering.

Swift speedy time, feathered with flying hours, Dissolves the beauty of the fairest brow.

I love the look of full brows that aren't perfectly done - eyebrows on fleek: that's the goal.

If you have a bold brow, it's best to forgo a super-smoky eye and make the lips dramatic instead.

If you're lacking hair in your brows, applying powder over a waxy pencil will make the color stick.

Full brows frame and accentuate your eyes, so you can get away with wearing less liner and mascara.

Having a good brow can totally brighten your face and give you more of an expressive, youthful look!

I like feeling fresh and having really dewy skin. I like feeling moisturized and having a good brow.

Petite features should always be paired with thinner, softer brows - they don't overpower your face.

Draw attention to the brow bone by accentuating the area between the eye and the brow with a highlighter.

Women think that smaller brows will open up their eyes, but that's wrong and it affects your entire face.

I look around me and nowhere do I see a stamp of disapproval with which nature marked a woman's candid brow.

I just don't touch my brows! Hopefully, leaving them be will pay off so that I still have them in the future.

I've never had my brows done - I tweeze them myself. I used to watch my mom pluck her brows, that's how I learned.

If you have smaller eyes, you should choose a thinner brow that isn't very dark in color. This will open the eyes.

To me, having a good brow is very important because it is what frames the most important feature on you: your eyes.

I've never been able to feel that there is anything undignified about making your living by the sweat of your brow.

If wrinkles must be written on our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should never grow old.

If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should never grow old.

I like dramatic and crazy, weird, ridiculous eyebrows but I know the majority of people don't do their brows like me.

A brow furrow is a very important indicator of confusion or concentration, and it can be a negative facial expression.

The only thing that will change with fashion is the brows' thickness or thinness. Every season the arch will be the same.

Using the right colour is the most important thing. When sculpting is well done, it just looks like you have great brows.

Eyebrows are the most difficult beauty feature to master - we all have different bone structure, brow texture, and coloring.

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