I loved campaigning.

Campaigning ain't tough.

Negative campaigning is wrong.

I loved campaigning for Obama.

Campaigning is different from governing.

Guilt by association is part of campaigning.

I believe in campaigning for health care, not warfare.

Since 2007 I have been campaigning for the BJP pan-India.

It's tough campaigning, kissing hands and shaking babies.

People spend money on negative campaigning because it works.

The truth is, the 'Fortune' 500 prefer lobbying to campaigning.

Campaigning means talking to people in the street, it's important.

I am actively campaigning for 'chest hair' to become an Olympic sport.

I have been very aggressively campaigning on Kansas needs to cut its taxes.

I want to do public speaking and cause campaigning. I want to write a book.

I felt blessed by the existence of Horace Porter's 'Campaigning With Grant.'

I went on the road with Hillary Rodham Clinton when she was out campaigning.

I believe I can lead this party from the front as a campaigning organization.

Bernie Sanders is a serious person with a lifetime of consistent campaigning on principle.

Somehow politicians have become convinced that negative campaigning pays off in elections.

Campaigning in Wyoming is politics at its most retail level. It's done one voter at a time.

Part of being out there, campaigning, talking to people, is being able to read body language.

I don't want to be polite. I don't think campaigning is polite. That's a disingenuous effort.

I step out for campaigning only after I complete my pooja at home, which is something I do every day.

Campaigning for Congress is an issue of conviction, and there is no element of any personal gain in it.

My earliest memory campaigning was going to the dump to get petition signatures or handing out literature.

I understand why the Tories will be gunning for Alastair Campbell because they fear his campaigning skills.

I'm not against T.V. advertising for campaigns, but we need to emphasize field campaigning much more than we do.

dating is like campaigning: you don't reveal who you really are or what you're really up to until you get elected.

It's about grass-roots campaigning, meeting voters face-to-face, and above all, listening to what they have to say.

The truth is, 'Charlie Hebdo' is not a racist magazine. Rather, it is a campaigning anti-racist left-wing magazine.

Mum and Dad met campaigning on the Spanish civil war. Both were active peace campaigners. They died in 1986 and '87.

I stand alongside everyone campaigning for better pay and conditions - they are paving the way for a fairer society.

All my politics and campaigning has been around issues that affect women: violence against women, welfare cuts to women.

I've noticed that in the U.S., when the president hits the three-year mark in office, he goes into re-election campaigning.

Getting political representation is important, but change comes through using direct action, campaigning, and trade unions.

Politics lasts only so long - though today it's getting harder to tell where the campaigning stops and the governing begins.

Conservatives and companies condoned Rush Limbaugh's 2006 attacks on Michael J. Fox for campaigning about stem cell research.

I think sometimes negative campaigning, like so much, is in the eye of the beholder, and I don't think we'll ever get rid of it.

I believed in Bobby Kennedy. Campaigning for him was an attempt to give back something to this country that has given me so much.

British civil society has a fantastic record of campaigning to push politicians of all colours and countries to step up on climate.

Governing is one thing, campaigning is another - and the latter becomes far more pronounced in an election-year State of the Union.

The long, dull, monotonous years of middle-aged prosperity or middle-aged adversity are excellent campaigning weather for the devil.

In our case, I, a working engineer, inventor and scientist, am bringing new innovation to campaigning to enable a grass-roots movement.

My cartoons haven't been about the politics of the day or about the personalities; I'm more interested in campaigning about the issues.

Mahesh is not campaigning for any political party. Nor does he intend to contest any elections or pursue any kind of political ambitions.

Anybody who wants the presidency so much that he'll spend two years organizing and campaigning for it is not to be trusted with the office.

Family law is institutionally anti-male. I've been lobbying MPs, and I'm not going to give up campaigning for equality until I get equality.

Solutions-oriented campaigning with a little passion and a little humor; I think that will go a long way. I think people are desperate for it.

I've still got a bit of angst about campaigning for a particular party. I want to write jokes about whoever I want without toeing a party line.

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