I'm horrendous at capturing a decent selfie.

The difficulty is capturing surprise on film.

Killing terrorists is cheaper than capturing them.

Photography has always been about capturing light.

I'm against the capturing of Eastern Orthodox temples.

I like the idea of capturing people who aren't there to save the world.

My job is to create a film, where we are capturing truth in performances.

Capturing a beautiful moment in a photo is something I'm very passionate about.

I feel that film, as opposed to theatre, is about capturing that one, real moment.

I love films that are more random and chaotic, finding moments and capturing them.

Painting is as close as a person can get to actually capturing the heat of the moment.

For a writer, capturing that elusive Christmas morning magic can be deeply problematic.

Few writers can rival Helen Fielding when it comes to fully capturing the modern woman.

We're used to shooting our own stuff on our cellphones. We're used to capturing everything.

More than simply capturing brief moments in time, MixBit helps people bring stories to life.

If you are truly successful in capturing the pulse of life, then you can speak of a good photograph.

Venture capital is about capturing the value between the startup phase and the public company phase.

I like to shoot feature films because it's about capturing emotions... words like guilt, hurt, betrayal.

One of the boring tricks about capturing Broadway onscreen, actually, is just about all the different unions.

The challenge is sort of capturing the issues that Oregonians feel strongly about and moving forward on those.

People are fascinated, for whatever reason, by human drama, and the idea that cameras are capturing ambient stories.

Music means life and love in its purest form. It's about capturing your emotions and celebrating everything about life.

There is a lot of growth taking place in capturing aspirational consumers and converting them to luxury as they evolve.

Writing songs is like capturing birds without killing them. Sometimes you end up with nothing but a mouthful of feathers.

As the years go by and I make more films, I am increasingly interested in capturing place as a vivid backdrop for my films.

You gotta do a lot more than rap. Rap is not just rap. If you don't have an image, you're not capturing nobody's attention.

The hardest part of ghost writing other people's stories is capturing their voices so that it isn't you talking, it's them.

I have put a lot of energy and focus into capturing the Cruiserweight Championship, but obviously I didn't get the job done.

The standpoint of the man who relies on religious experience for capturing Reality must always remain individual and incommunicable.

For many years, we have repeated that the direct-to-consumer channel is growing and capturing a larger share of our customers' wallet.

Things have to be believable, not in a literal, photographic sense, but in an emotional sense - capturing the essence of the situation.

The EA Sports UFC development team has been incredible to work with, and they've done a great job capturing the look and feel of my father.

These guys are just flying through the air and I'm capturing them in the split second and putting it into a work of art, via clay to the bronze.

All my stories take place on the West Coast - not the beach, but smaller inland towns. I feel homesick, and I find inspiration in capturing that.

I'm a big technology individual. I love science and technology, and anything that has to do with capturing events so that they can be experienced later.

Mostly I wanted to be a writer, though for a couple of years there I wanted to be an animator, because I loved drawing and capturing beautiful movements.

Seeing outward is equivalent to looking backward in time because the telescope's mirror is capturing primeval light... galaxies that existed before our time.

As people talk, text and browse, telecommunication networks are capturing urban flows in real time and crystallizing them as Google's traffic congestion maps.

I still love taking pictures with Polaroid film. For me, it offers the most beautiful way of capturing reality and transferring it onto a flat piece of paper.

I never have used any other artist as a model for a sound or a song. It always has to come from an emotion, and capturing the essence of that emotion in a song.

I do think there is every potential in 2010 and 2012 to begin to see independent candidates who are capturing a significant percentage of the vote and even win.

I cannot concur with those who advocate saving gorillas from extinction by killing and capturing more free-living individuals only to exhibit them in confinement.

Nature is so powerful, so strong. Capturing its essence is not easy - your work becomes a dance with light and the weather. It takes you to a place within yourself.

Comics are so full of amazing work. And I can't look at a drawing of a woman without thinking of, for instance, Wallace Wood and his amazing way of capturing beauty.

I've taken a look back at my body of work and tried to deduce an essence, capturing aspects that reoccur. Reflecting on your own product can be difficult yet enthralling.

I think that devices like Glass are going to do a terrific job of capturing your first-person perspective. And that's what people first think of when they think of GoPro.

Jeff always had a huge part in making a song a record. You felt like you were capturing lightning in the studio. It was never boring. He always was there to serve the song.

I'm not going to say I know a ton about what I'm looking at, but I enjoy capturing the photos and the artistry of it. I'm getting better at it, and I'll keep getting better.

Lamantia is faith building, encouraging poetry in that it abstractly hugs you by finally capturing the inexpressible. It's an experience similar to relief, reading his poems.

As I began making my feature films, it was a great adventure. It was about constructing something I saw in my head or I had designed on storyboards and capturing that on film.

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