Wall Street has become a veritable casino.

Casino gambling is colorful and dramatic and theatrical.

I've never bet in a casino; it's just not something I do.

Casino Royale' was fabulous and I saw 'Bourne Identity' over and over again.

When we grew up, we wanted to do two things: to own a sports team and a casino.

I grew up in Las Vegas. My mom worked in pretty much every casino on the Strip.

I'm not a gambler, let's just say that, nor have I ever been a dealer at a casino.

Hollywood is a casino. You have to put your chips on the table and hope for the best.

Casino games are the one kind of content that has stood the test of time for decades.

I wanted to disprove the notion that you couldn't open a great restaurant in a casino.

I like theme parks. The fastest roller coaster I've ever been on is at a casino in Nevada.

My father was a gambler. My father could not resist a casino or a card game. He loved gambling.

We have partnered Highgate to create our first key flagship property in Las Vegas - Oyo Hotels & Casino.

If Trump claimed something was the most luxurious, it was likely a dank, low-end casino in Atlantic City.

With the casino and the beds, our passengers will have at least two ways to get lucky on one of our flights.

What I don't want to see is our political system corrupted by gambling money, especially casino gambling money.

If you spend a week at a casino you will very easily see that people have a certain way of behaving in a casino.

Casino games such as roulette, blackjack, baccarat, slot machines and so on, are stacked in favour of the house.

I competed in a test round of 'Kitchen Casino.' I feel like it's good to know what the competitors are going through.

I love to gamble, always have! In Georgia there is not a casino, so the closest thing to a slot machine is a scratch ticket!

I go to Vegas now, and I'm in the casino, and I'm gambling, and there's a guy in a wet bathing suit gambling right next to me.

Let's embrace productive capitalism, not casino capitalism, by restoring transparency and true competition in the commodities markets.

There is a respectable body of economic thought that holds that casino gambling is actually economically regressive to a state and a community.

Stack the cards in your favour, and in a casino, you'll get arrested and put in prison, but in business and in life, it's the right thing to do.

Twice I got thrown out of casino, literally thrown out by my feet thrown through the front door when I thought I had caught a cheater one night.

My whole business philosophy is based on a risk-reward ratio. But it's got to stack up. If it doesn't, don't do it. You might as well go to a casino.

I really enjoyed 'Casino Royale' because suddenly something changed with this modernity and with Daniel bringing life to James Bond in a very new way.

The government, of course, will print money to bail out the banks' uncovered casino bets, but not to bail out the elderly from the theft of their funds.

The contemporary casino is more than a gambling destination: it is a multifarious pleasure enclosure intended to satisfy every member of the family unit.

I still pinch myself that I have a second-hand Aston Martin DBS Volante, the convertible model of James Bond's car from 'Quantum of Solace' and 'Casino Royale.'

There has been a great laziness in my soul. Lots of days I could write songs, but I could also take my $400 and play the slot machines at the riverfront casino.

Films like 'Scarface', 'The Godfather', 'Goodfellas' and 'Casino' are something I can watch again and again and from anywhere. I love them so I have to make one.

When Republicans say they want to run government 'like a business,' they apparently mean 'run government like a Trump casino headed straight for bankruptcy court.'

By 2012, Dan Gilbert was well over his LeBron James-abandonment hissy fit. He opened Cleveland's first casino, with 1,900 slot machines and eighty-nine table games.

I would love to have gone there, fight at Madison Square Garden or a casino in Las Vegas, but there are no American heavyweights now who can pose a challenge to me.

If you're a poker player and you show up at a casino at 8 a.m., you're going to be by yourself or with some people that are rocks and just don't give you any action.

For too long executive officials, businesspeople and hangers-on have enjoyed this private casino, using the payments into Fifa's account to fund their lavish lifestyles.

'A Rogue by Any Other Name' is the first book in the 'Rules of Scoundrels' series, centered on a legendary pre-Victorian casino and her four scandalous aristocratic owners.

I like to think of the world as a sort of a casino, except the house doesn't have the advantage. If you're smart, you have an advantage. It behooves you to place a lot of bets.

Deck of cards, I always have 'em with me. We love to play on the planes when we travel. If I'm bored, I play Spades, Tonk, I'm a huge Blackjack player. Stay out of the casino, though.

Like so much in Singapore, admission to the Marina Bay's casino is hierarchical: Free for anyone with an international passport, costly for locals, off-limits to migrant workers altogether.

We're all living in a casino. It's just Vegas. Everything is on camera. Everything is being recorded. Everything is on audio. The truth is we all have access to everybody else's information.

I could not pass up the opportunity to build and operate a casino next door to my hometown. This casino will be where Louisiana locals and Texans will want to play, stay, and enjoy themselves.

I didn't want to do 'Casino Royale' when they told me to audition. I said no. Then they sent me the script, and I thought it was actually very interesting - and I had no other work at the time.

I particularly remember with 'Casino,' everyone was like, 'It's not 'Goodfellas!'' No, it's not 'Goodfellas.' That's right: it's a different movie. Now, everyone thinks 'Casino' is a masterpiece.

Recently, I went up to Casino Rama to see Martin Short's show, just to see how he put it all together. And after the show, I went backstage and picked his brain to find out why he did certain things.

I hated how Sam Rothstein got manipulated by Sharon Stone's character in 'Casino.' I mean, I just hate how he gets manipulated; that just gets ridiculous to me. I know it's historic, but I hated that.

In the Fifties, Canvey was a top seaside place for a youngster - the famous Canvey Island Casino was full of slot machines and there were all the fairground rides, such as the dodgems, and a speedway track.

We have never heard of laundering in Macau; money laundering is unheard of. Mind you, my casino, every bit of money - someone says Stanley Ho, you issue me a check of so much money - we don't give that easy.

I remember I went to audition for the first Daniel Craig Bond film, 'Casino Royale.' I was there in this Versace dress, and I remember looking in the mirror, and I couldn't have felt less like a Bond girl if I tried.

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