I dress casually, but never badly.

As my wife will attest, I do not shop casually.

Values are not trendy items that are casually traded in.

I don't pick up fights casually. I fight for what is right.

When you are living alone then you tend to take life casually.

What's the big deal if I dress casually and dance in my backyard.

I am struck by how casually we as a nation react to the carnage in Iraq.

Being able to still make records is a privilege. I don't take it casually.

I like a movie that the audience actively has to participate in and not just casually observe.

I had casually rented an apartment that cost $75 a month because I expected my writing to pay my way.

Faith is a gift. Some feel like they were never blessed with it, others just casually let it fall away.

I never really gambled - certainly not playing poker. I'd casually bet on a football game or joined a pool.

I took high school very casually. There was Teen Town, chess, tennis, boxing, running. Lots of things going on.

Antiquities are history defaced, or some remnants of history which have casually escaped the shipwreck of time.

I never casually shoot shots, ever. I shoot the same way every time. I shoot the same shots that I'd shoot during the game.

Chekhov was capable of casually tossing off deplorable comments in his letters, combined with a very modern anger against anti-Semitism.

There's a Washington standard of casually putting things off the record. It's really gone too far. I don't know an easy way to turn it back.

I use my iPhone as an alarm, so when it goes off, I pick it up and casually scroll through whatever emails may have come in while I was asleep.

Quite casually I wander into my plot, poke around with my characters for a while, then amble off, leaving no moral proved and no reader improved.

Many of the birds Audubon painted are now extinct, and still we go on killing them, more or less casually, with our pesticides and wires and machinery.

We treat sex so casually and use it for everything but what it is-which is ultimately making another human being with thoughts and feelings and rights.

This Constitution was not made for a day, nor is it composed of such flexible materials as to be warped to the purposes of a casually ascendant influence.

I don't want to sound obnoxious, but I like to think I brought it another step. I was able to bring people who were casually interested in boxing together.

It's a rare moment when we take a break from the tribulations of the daily rat race to reflect on assumptions and values that we casually accept as gospel.

I bet you think an egg is something you casually order for breakfast when you can't think of anything else. Well, so did I once, but that was before the egg and I.

Open-heart surgery is now part of a typical life experience for many people. Folks talk casually about 'having a stent put in,' as if they had their tires rotated.

I like a movie that the audience actively has to participate in, and not just casually observe. Whatever my part in it, just as an audience member, I find that exciting.

When you're in the throes of writing, I find, the lessons you've casually imparted to others are not in the forefront of your mind. Which may be good or bad. Probably both.

All of the most important lessons about writing I learned from my father. He never set out to teach me anything, it would just be something he said casually in conversation.

Journalists casually use terms like crossing the border illegally when referring to asylum seekers - when in fact there is no law that says they must use the ports of entry.

Linux evolved in a completely different way. From nearly the beginning, it was rather casually hacked on by huge numbers of volunteers coordinating only through the Internet.

Americans have much less holiday, so for them, four or five days away is like a mini vacation, but for us, it's just a long weekend. In Europe, one takes time off more casually.

My father also happened to be an intellectual, as learned, literate, informed, and curious as anyone I have known. Unobtrusively and casually, he was my wise and gentle teacher.

The way I inspire loyalty in my team is for them to see me more casually, to have lunch with members of my team, for them to see me with my family, my fiance, to see the real me.

Even my parents are so cute, and they deal with every movie of mine excellently. They check with me ever so casually by asking 'Now how much of nudity are we going to see in this one?'

People who are more than casually interested in computers should have at least some idea of what the underlying hardware is like. Otherwise the programs they write will be pretty weird.

It took me a while to figure out the U.S. sense of humor, a lot of trial and error. I would write down jokes to casually tell my American friend over Skype to see which ones he'd laugh at.

Here's my tip: Have your production hire the best hair stylists on the planet to do your films and commercials, then casually hint about how great it would be to get a trim during lunch break.

Please think of me like an endangered species and just observe me quietly from far away. If you try to talk to me or touch me casually, I may get intimidated and bite you. So please be careful.

A generation of women has grown up thinking of reproductive freedom as a constitutional right, and the Court should not casually take away rights that it has determined the Constitution guarantees.

I do hate Trump. I find him to be a vile human being - one that lies so often, so casually, and with such confidence, that fact-checkers actually cannot keep up. It is one thing after another, daily.

'Hudugaru' is a remake of the Tamil film 'Nadodigal.' The film is about what happens when relationships between friends or lovers is taken casually. The film will appeal to youngsters and families alike.

I believe in taking big risks. If you encourage new people, they want to prove themselves. They give their best. This is not possible with established stars, who treat their job casually most of the time.

I've got a terrible crush on someone and last week mum was coaching me - it was a real masterclass - on how to very casually say hello to him. I had to talk to her hand. Tears were pouring down our faces.

Cricket was a splendid chapter of my life; indeed, it made me what I am today. However, cricket alone isn't the only flavour of life. Sometimes, indeed, we tend to take sports too seriously and life too casually.

I've only met LeBron casually. He's always been great to me. I think I've been great and cordial to him, but this notion that we have to be friends - we're never gonna be friends. And that's not a negative thing.

When it's time to make music, that's about getting lost for me. To be a control freak is not half as good as being a freak who's casually in control. You're feeling around in the dark for something that feels good.

I just said, casually, 'You know, I passed up on auditioning for Einstein.' And my friend was like, 'You idiot, you have to do it!' She made me do it. I sent the tapes off assuming that somebody would say, 'Ha ha, very funny.'

Burberry makes the best version of the traditional trench coat, which can have a zipper and button-in lining for colder climes. The belt, which comes standard, should never be buckled but must be casually knotted at the waist.

I think the 'sunken place' - that term is what I hear when I'm just casually living my life. People say it around me. Not because they're around me; they're saying it because it articulated a state of mind. Lil Wayne's rapped about it.

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