Seeing a catering truck feels like home.

Catering to bad feelings feeds and empowers them.

You can be accessible without catering to an audience.

Catering to the passionate is exactly what you should do.

I bartended for a catering company for two or three years.

In 1990, there were no services catering for eyebrows in Hollywood.

I can't imagine catering to an audience that doesn't also interest me.

We're making a commercial Hindi film catering to all types of audiences.

Marriage feels like an industry with catering and really expensive bands.

Catering is extremely demanding financially and physically. It's a business.

As far as romancing and catering to the women, I'm definitely here for all that.

I'm a picky eater, so, often, if I can't find something to eat at catering, I order pizza.

I learnt the hard way about positioning in business, about catering to the right segments.

When you start at catering college, nobody prepares you for a book tour or public speaking.

First of all, no candidate is going to win by catering to the alleged Occupy Wall Street vote.

I'm not the guy to get big record company budgets. My budget is Britney Spears' catering money.

As long as I don't have to go back to the catering hall and wait tables anymore, I'm very happy.

In catering, you're always changing; the client is always dictating to you in terms of their wishes.

There's a thin line between catering to the masses and making a fool of yourself; I try to walk that line.

When you have people catering to you non-stop, you lose it. You need someone to kick you in the butt every now and then!

I told the caterer I'd work for nothing if he'd teach me about catering. I lasted one week full-time. It was exhausting.

I don't want to be an elitist designer. It's no fun just catering for a small group of people. It's against my principles.

In terms of target audience, who cares what a middle-aged guy like me wants; most mainstream are not catering to me at all.

Catering to populist anger with extremist proposals that are certain to fail is not a viable strategy for political success.

'Time' is an internationalist publication catering to internationalist readers who are not only interested in their own backyard.

I tried being a mechanic and I tried catering, but I realized I had even less aptitude for semi-skilled labour than for academic work.

Food as sport is nothing new. To a vicar, especially, church catering has represented the conduct of war by other means for many years.

When I had a job catering, I catered a wedding for the Smashing Pumpkins bassist in Indiana. And I served Billy Corgan shrimp off a tray.

The on-site catering facilities at Wimbledon are absolutely fantastic. Whatever your dietary requirements are, you can find what you need.

'Death In Paradise' is my dream job - a fascinating character, great scripts, superb cast, and shooting in the Caribbean with French catering.

I used to work at a catering hall in Hauppauge. Anybody who works as a server in a catering hall, more power to you, but I wanted to make music.

I was on a strict diet to stay in shape for 'Jack Reacher,' but each day on set in New Orleans, catering dropped off delicious food at my trailer.

The catering on 'True Blood' was so good - I'd be eating amazing doughnuts all day, then realised I was in danger of turning into a right fat faerie.

I think you just have to be yourself instead of catering your sound to a specific audience, make the music you want to make, and the audience will find you.

I grew up in Birmingham, but my parents are originally from Barbados. My dad, Romeo, was a long-distance lorry driver, and my mother, Mayleen, worked in catering.

Styles are so fluid, forever changing, that as a designer, you have to keep learning and keep growing your tastes, along with catering to the needs of your client.

TV works at such amazing deadlines and the audiences you're catering to is a very different audience than the one that watches films as the attention span is less.

Lunch is usually a salad or a sandwich. If I'm on set, I'll have catering, but I'm well behaved with that stuff. It's easy to go crazy - they know how to feed you.

For all the concern about bodies and weight, 'Baywatch' has three huge catering trucks on the set at all times. One for entrees, one appetizers and one for junk food.

When we were doing 'Criminal Justice,' they were filming 'Clash of the Titans' nearby and we kept nicking off to their catering tent and going, 'Look what they've got!'

A large user base helps shield us from things we can't control. You can spend years catering to a major corporation, for example, only to see your contact there move on.

I used to work for a catering company - I waitressed for Harry Winston events. I remember being so hungry, I would eat when I was supposed to be catering to other people.

Ultimately it's just music - whether I'm catering to the Bollywood audience or the indie audience. I just approach every type of music the way I am, and how my personality is.

I pile on the weight when I work. All that location catering's not good for the love handles. I lose a bit when I'm not working, but I love my food and the occasional snifter.

I have a sweet tooth problem. On tour, in catering, the dessert was always so good. When we started the tour I was in the best shape of my life, but by the end of it I was horrible.

For many young women, the dream of independence and a home of their own is a tantalising goal, while a lifetime devoted solely to catering for another person's needs would be hard to countenance.

After I outlined 'Catering to Nobody,' I went and worked for a caterer. And the other thing I had to do was to talk to the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department about how they investigated a crime.

I've always had mostly women come out to see me perform. That's the reason the guys show up; they know R. Kelly is going to draw the women. Most of the songs I'm singing are catering to women anyway.

In India we are creating mainstream hip hop music, than what real rap music is. The lyrics aren't that personal, since most of the music is catering to Bollywood. It's just trivial. It's a fashion here.

I think about the audience in the sense that I serve as my own audience. I have to please myself the way, if I saw the movie in a theater, I would be pleased. Do I think about catering to an audience? No.

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