Life is full of challenges and surprises.

In life we want to challenge ourselves...

Challenge the mind and capture the heart.

Only those who never step, never stumble.

Woman must not accept; she must challenge.

It's always challenging to go into a role.

Poverty is the deprivation of opportunity.

I'm always looking for the next challenge.

Consumer electronics is a challenging one.

In bad times, the rich usually get richer.

The balancing act is challenging at times.

I really like clever men who challenge you.

I've had some physically challenging roles.

I like challenges that test your ingenuity.

Each role has its own different challenges.

We have enormous challenges in front of us.

I'm challenging myself to reverse the hate.

Consistent effort is a consistent challenge.

I've never been one to run from a challenge.

Art lives on constraint and dies of freedom.

I need some challenges in love or I'm bored.

Challenges are meant to be met and overcome.

Every crisis offers you extra desired power.

Comedy and drama are both challenging to me.

Theater is a way to keep challenging myself.

It's a challenge getting rid of your accent.

Be positive and the challenge will be easier.

Life is a constant challenge to know oneself.

Only through suffering can we find ourselves.

The duty of youth is to challenge corruption.

Fortunate are those who take the first steps.

I begin each book with a challenge to myself.

Challenges are gifts, opportunities to learn.

I think the tougher the challenge the better.

The challenge of life is to learn how to love

Accepting new challenges makes me come alive.

If someone hits me I consider it a challenge.

I really enjoy comedy. It's a real challenge.

I challenge you, me. Die or live and be great.

Give your life to Christ, he'll challenge you.

We need to have a plan equal to the challenge.

Challenges are inevitable, Defeat is optional.

Challenging leaders is as American as it gets.

I don't care who you are, life has challenges.

It was a challenge to my teammates to help me.

The only way to grow is to challenge yourself.

It was a challenge, to work with Oliver Stone.

I challenge you. Be obsessed with improvement!

Books are challenging and inspirational to me.

We need women friends, women who challenge us.

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