Lack of charisma can be fatal.

I try to hold my charisma in check.

Dark circles are my charisma though.

A great politician has great charisma.

No one has more charisma than me in WWE.

Klopp is a coach with a lot of charisma.

I'm real tall when I stand on my charisma.

I have no natural charisma or personality, really.

Charisma is the ability to influence without logic.

We shouldn't be too naïve, or taken in by charisma.

I love John Cena. I love his charisma, he's so cute.

Places have charisma, in short, as much as people do.

Never be impressed with charisma. Look for character.

That's what I need to work on - my charisma in front of people.

I don't invest anymore in entrepreneurs who don't have charisma.

I don't think anybody else has the kind of charisma Mammootty has.

The power to command has never meant the power to remain mysterious.

The reason we're successful, darling? My overall charisma, of course.

Shirley Temple had charisma as a child. But it cleared up as an adult.

I met David Croft. He was a man of few words. But he had great charisma.

Charisma is the result of effective leadership, not the other way around.

I've got a lot of charisma, plus women are forgiving and they can be charmed.

They say I'm a natural, I have natural charisma. People say that. I don't know.

Charisma is a sign of the calling. Saints and pilgrims are defiantly moved by it.

To me, the biggest attraction is a woman's charisma, her soul, her inner strength.

I did meet Sen. Robert Kennedy, and it taught me something about political charisma.

Charisma is the gift from above where a leader knows from inside himself what to do.

To fix Panama, you need more than charisma and records: you need a program of action.

When I wasn't sure what the word "charisma" meant, I met Steve Jobs, and then I knew.

Rain - his power and charisma onstage is impressive, and I hope to have that one day.

God has blessed me with a certain amount of presence and a certain amount of charisma.

Jeanne Moreau, Lauren Bacall, they had this unconventional beauty, this amazing charisma.

You either have the charisma, the knowledge, the passion, the intelligence - or you don't.

Effective leadership is about earning respect, and it's also about personality and charisma

I'm a dirty, filthy animal and I'm a dirty comedian, but I got a lot of charisma and charm.

Messi, even if technically is same or more, he doesn't have more charisma than Maradona had.

[I like in Kanye West] confidence in him, but also his aggressiveness, ambition and charisma.

To be on the same team with Orr was great because when I turned pro, nobody had more charisma.

Employing a low-key, Midwestern charisma, Mike Pence proved he knows how to win over an audience.

I'm not dripping with charisma like many of my friends are. But I do have candour, which is close.

In films and TV, actors get chosen based on their capabilities, charisma and the image they carry.

Daniel Ek, the C.E.O. of Spotify, is a rock star of the tech world, but he is not long on charisma.

Charisma's good every night. Something special is always about to happen. You've got to believe it.

Good actors aren't enough. You need charisma. Can you imagine 'Casablanca' without Bogart and Bergman?

The confidence and charisma it takes to stand up in front of a group of children absolutely terrifies me.

I'm not good with pickup lines or flirting. I don't have that kind of self-confidence or natural charisma.

Leadership is not about having the charisma or speaking inspirational words, but about leading with example.

Muhammad Ali was such an original - his antics, his character, his charisma, his strength, his individuality.

I absolutely love working with David Boreanaz, and Charisma Carpenter I completely adore - she teaches me to dance.

I attract a crowd, not because I'm an extrovert or I'm over the top or I'm oozing with charisma. It's because I care.

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