Our choices are truncated in evil's presence.

What you don't do can be a destructive force.

The ability to understand people is a choice.

Give your life to Christ, he'll challenge you.

When all choices seem wrong, choose restraint.

Fate makes us family. choice makes us friends.

No one ever went broke by saying no too often.

The point of cities is multiplicity of choice.

Be kind. Always if you have a choice, be kind.

It's my choice, to choose how to live my life.

Our choice, always, is to love and understand.

Child stars have nothing. They have no choice.

When you make a choice, you change the future.

Convictions are a matter of choice, not force.

There are no safe choices. Only other choices.

A small number of choice books are sufficient.

Quality is a choice. Choose to make it better.

We make destiny with every turn, every choice.

We all exercise agency in the choices we make.

Leadership demands that we make tough choices.

The choices I make - they have to be creative.

Strong faith is not an emotion. It's a choice.

We do have choice, but not without some agony.

I know who I am and who I may be, if I choose.

Make your own decisions. Make your own choices.

The popular choice is not elected as president.

In a choice between love and fear, choose love.

You will find God in the church of your choice.

Life is full of choices, but you never get any!

Choices are easy when you have nothing to lose.

What we do, our choices, that's what defines us

Happiness is your choice. You can choose today.

The Bible says we must choose two ways of life.

If you could do tomorrow over again, would you?

Always choose attitude over experience. Always.

In the world of Art there are no wrong choices.

Character is determined by choice, not opinion.

When a man cannot chose, he ceases to be a man.

The economy of film forces you to make choices.

The right choice is hardly ever the easy choice.

Your behavior is a choice; it isn’t who you are.

Everyone picks the best one when given a choice.

There are choices you have to make not just once

Fervor is the weapon of choice for the impotent.

Knowledge gives a wider choice and more anguish.

The majority of people do not accept my choices.

Choosing safety is a choice of life over career.

Gratitude is a choice. Happiness is an attitude.

Unless virtue guide us our choice must be wrong.

Acting is a mix of luck and choice. I got lucky.

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