I always wanted to be a princess like Cinderella.

Cinderella is a little edgy and a little rough around the edges.

People say I have my own Cinderella story, and in a way, I guess I do.

I'm kind of a grinder. I'm a Cinderella, an underdog story who fights.

Until quite recently dance in America was the ragged Cinderella of the arts.

There's something about wedding dresses that turn you into Cinderella a little.

'Cinderella' touches on loss, and there was definitely a strong sense of grief in my life.

I pride myself in the fact that in the six months tour of Cinderella, I didn't take one show off.

I'm a girl who loves fashion. I'm such a Cinderella - I love to put on a great dress and heels. It's fun!

I'm not a happy-ending person. I want to know what happens once Cinderella rides off with Prince Charming.

Cinderella is not only an iconic character when it comes to beauty, grace and fairytale love, but also shoes.

I've always thought Prince Charming in 'Cinderella' was the most boring role; I'd rather be the Wicked Witch.

Someone at Disney heard one of the records and called me in to do the sounds of Lucifer the Cat in Cinderella.

I am a typed director. If I made Cinderella, the audience would immediately be looking for a body in the coach.

I was the original Cinderella girl, looking for the happy ending in the fairy story. But my fantasy prince never came.

Cinderella obviously got caught up in the hair metal scene, but they were such a blues band. And such a good live band.

No one looks twice at me when they're around, and 'Cinderella' has made no difference. And I know that isn't going to change.

I get so bummed when I have to return the clothes I'm lent. It's easy to feel so special, but like Cinderella, you lose your shoes.

I have four boys and two girls, and the girls, they typically want you to draw princesses, Tinkerbell, Cinderella, things like that.

My first U.S. Open I think was just very special for me because that was sort of the beginning of what was a 'Cinderella' story for me.

The Twenties outfits are all about freedom and loose, flowing lines, whereas in 'Cinderella,' I had to wear corsets and big huge skirts.

When I wasn't working on Broadway, I worked in a Bat Mitzvah dress shop and was the Cinderella of the shop - always cleaning and vacuuming!

I was never like, 'Oh, I really want to play Cinderella.' That's not necessarily always been the dream. But it's super fun to play a princess.

I've been a character actress right from the beginning. I was no more like 'Cinderella' in my real life than I was like the neurotic poet in 'Cop.'

Ultimately, 'Cinderella' is the story of the underdog. You root for her in this fairytale; the girl who has nothing, deserves so much more, and gets it.

I watch a lot of Disney films and whenever one of my little nieces is round I'll slap on 'Cinderella' or 'Hercules' and use them as an excuse to watch it.

With While You Were Sleeping, it was so much fun and such a Cinderella story, that I didn't want to do another romantic comedy. I wanted to do the opposite.

I really saw myself as the quintessential Cinderella. I think that's when I really thought about how I wanted to do something else and get away from all that.

He obliged Cinderella to sit down, and, putting the slipper to her little foot, he found it went on very easily, and fitted her as if it had been made of wax.

For 'Cinderella,' I did six weeks of those interviews, where you get asked the same eight questions. If you're not capable of doing that gracefully, then don't do it.

I will always be the first Latina Cinderella, so I always have that to take with me, and I'm very proud of that. I believe that it was a life-changing experience for me.

Now it comes to this stage of my career when I get to play the wicked witch all the time. You know you start off with Cinderella and then you end up playing the stepmothers.

I always played the ugly sister instead of Cinderella or the Wicked Witch. But those are the parts I love, and actually, to be a character actress, you have more longevity, hopefully.

I was thinking that when I have children, that I should always dress as a character for them, so they think their mom is Alice in Wonderland or Cinderella. It would be totally messed up!

I like Cinderella, I really do. She has a good work ethic. I appreciate a good, hard-working gal. And she likes shoes. The fairy tale is all about the shoe at the end, and I'm a big shoe girl.

The next day the two sisters went to the ball, and so did Cinderella, but dressed more magnificently than before. The King's son was always by her side, and his pretty speeches to her never ceased.

How many times do you read about 'the Cinderella story,' the story of the underdog, the story of the ordinary human being, often subjected to cruelty and ignorance and neglect, who somehow triumphs?

I grew up with my dad's music, so my introduction to rock was Alice Cooper and Cinderella and Dio and Black Sabbath, so I was listening to a lot of dude bands - Guns N' Roses and Metallica, all that stuff.

'Cinderella' the cartoon scared me. I watched the bits with the mice, and the scenes with the stepsisters ripping her dress apart scared me. Cinderella was never even my favorite character in 'Into the Woods.'

If you believe in Cinderella, and if you can suspend your disbelief at midnight, then you can believe in the interdisciplinary midnight, the 'in-betweens,' and become fortunately entangled, moving from art to science.

My folks met at the University of Oklahoma, in the theater department in the 1940s. They were married touring the country in 'Cinderella' and 'Snow White.' My mother was married in Cinderella's costume; the dwarves were the best men.

One musical that deeply influenced me - and continues to do so - is the 1997 ABC TV movie of Rodgers and Hammerstein's 'Cinderella,' starring Brandy, with Whitney Houston as the Fairy Godmother and Whoopi Goldberg as the prince's mom.

I love to play a character. If I'm playing Cinderella or Aurora in 'Sleeping Beauty' or something like that, then I enjoy classical a lot. But to do just a two-minute solo, purely to show classical aesthetic, is not my favorite thing to do.

I love princesses. And I think Cinderella is very strong. She's a young woman thinking outside of her environment, outside of her current situation, and she is choosing to believe that all is possible for her. And I think that is so admirable.

I've done everything from cater, wait tables, pre-school teacher, painting, to being Cinderella, Elmo, a clown, nanny, selling hair... I would do kid's parties and entertain and do magic and paint faces and balloon animals. The highlight of my life.

When I was a kid, I really loved watching 'Cinderella.' It's a fantasy, and every girl knows that real life isn't always like these movies, but as a child, I just really loved the story of 'Cinderella.' I found it to be so romantic and just a beautiful movie to watch.

The most fascinating thing for me is that 'Peter Pan' is a fairy tale, but now, this Filipino kid is a part of the folklore. Can you imagine telling the story of 'Sleeping Beauty' or 'Cinderella,' and all of a sudden there's a Filipino kid in there after all these years?

I was influenced when I was younger by the cartoon movies that Disney put out, like Cinderella and what not. I watched those movies over and over when I was younger and the music is ingrained into my head. Nowadays, I'm still humming the tunes. It taught me the fundamentals.

When I was little, I used to watch Disney movies all the time, and it drove me crazy that Cinderella's tights wouldn't gather at her ankle when her foot bent, so I kept trying to make sure that I didn't get those little creases on my ankle because Cinderella didn't have them.

When I was growing up, Brandy was TV star, reality star, a pop star, a Cover girl, Grammy winner, had her own Brandy doll, and was the first African American to play Disney princess Cinderella. Most importantly, she is a survivor. Many only judge and remember a person's most recent failure.

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