My husband is in branding. He brands places - cities, institutions.

Denver and Boulder are good record-buying cities. I don't know why.

City people make most of the fuss about the charms of country life.

I really feel that New York City is the greatest city in the world.

This is our f---g city. And nobody is going to dictate our freedom.

Justice is the well water of the city of Novgorod, black and sweet.

A city without books, a city without a library is like a graveyard.

Everybody now thinks that Nashville is the coolest city in America.

The life of the city never lets you go, nor do you ever want it to.

I go to London, my favourite city in the world, and I feel at home.

I was born in Queens, New York, which is a suburb of New York City.

As long as I am mayor of this city the great industries are secure.

I hate Billings, Montana. They have a fashion show at Sears Roebuck

My favourite city is Miami. It's very fresh and the beach is sunny.

We are bored in the city, there is no longer any Temple of the Sun.

I'm not fond of cities: the constant activity and swarms of people.

The minorities have been confined to the city by a moat of bigotry.

You burned the city of London in our houses and we felt the flames.

I have a home in Orlando. That's kind of my default "getaway" city.

A good city is like a good party. People don't want to leave early.

Time, my twin, take me by the hand through the streets of your city

I'm a great mummy. I've mapped out all the fun spots in every city.

Let the river roll which way it will, cities will rise on its banks.

I think our cities' deteriorating infrastructure is a silent crisis.

The city buildings in the distance are holding up the sky, it seems.

Can a woman not walk with her possessions down the street of a city?

Your life must be an open city, with all sorts of ways to wander in.

I fell in love with the most cordial and sociable city in the Union.

Suburb: a place that isn't city, isn't country, and isn't tolerable.

The virtue of the country is that it makes you thirsty for the city.

It would be a nice place if you took all the people out of the city.

I'll never forget my little city! I could talk a whole day about it!

Anybody who predicts the death of cities has already met his spouse.

Sex and the City was about looking for Mr Big and trying to find him.

A city should be built to give its inhabitants security and happiness

Brighton is a beautiful seaside city, but it's got a dark underbelly.

In a word I claim that our city as a whole is an education to Greece.

I don't like all suburbs, just like I don't like all parts of cities.

The city of truth cannot be built on the swampy ground of skepticism.

By 1946, I knew Detroit was the best hockey city in the Original Six.

No great city has ever been known for its abundant supply of parking.

The ancillary aspect of every British city now is the council estate.

Chicago is unique. It is the only completely corrupt city in America.

Every city has to deal with the problem of cars and public transport.

Not well-built walls, but brave citizens are the bulwark of the city.

The neighborhood stores are an important part of a city child's life.

That city is well fortified which has a wall of men instead of brick.

An endless number of green buildings doesn't make a sustainable city.

Nobody knows this, but one of us has just been traded to Kansas City.

A city is not an accident but the result of coherent visions and aims.

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