The city's full of people who you just see around.

Took over my city and I never asked permission to.

It's a kind of madness in cosmopolitan cities now.

The whole function of cities has been transformed.

Chicago is an October sort of city even in spring.

Jerusalem is a port city on the shore of eternity.

The design of a city is like a strange archeology.

Brave men are a city's strongest tower of defence.

Would your city weep if your church did not exist?

If you've seen one city slum, you've seen them all.

The chicken is the country's, but the city eats it.

God the first garden made, and the first city Cain.

Cities, like dreams, are made of desires and fears.

Democrats cluster in cities, and Republicans don't.

Cities, like cats, will reveal themselves at night.

I feel absolutely no threat or fear in Mexico City.

He studied cities as women study their reflections.

Market forces do not make cities, they destroy them

I think London is one of the best cities to shop in.

The highway program devalues the tax base of a city.

Outside of Paris, there is no hope for the cultured.

Las Vegas is the most honest fake city in the world.

Dallas is a great city, and it's worth fighting for.

The people really are what make New York City great.

You can’t play city rules when you live in a jungle.

I have to finish this book tour of almost 30 cities.

Petite ville, grand renom. Small town, great renown.

I have been blessed to visit the Holy City of Mecca.

Venice would be a fine city if it were only drained.

When the music changes, the walls of the city shake.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

Watergate left Washington a city ravaged by honesty.

Vast is the power of cities to reclaim the wanderer.

Sydney's a beautiful city. It was a great experience.

A little touch of chaos and danger makes a city sexy.

New York is a special place; it's a city that I love.

Perhaps the most typically American place in America.

We do not look in great cities for our best morality.

Tourism does not go to a city that has lost its soul.

Mumbai may not be my city. But it is my kind of city.

Every city is always changing, on its own trajectory.

A city's only ever three hot meals away from anarchy.

Los Angeles: Seventy-two suburbs in search of a city.

As a rule, our largest cities are the worst governed.

Polish comes from the cities; wisdom from the desert.

Moscow is a city that has much suffering ahead of it.

Will make Delhi a corruption-free , world class city.

Safer cities generally mean stronger urban economies.

Washington is a city of money. It's a flood of money.

All I care about is money and the city that I'm from.

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