I am a classy dame.

Swanky means classy and funky.

I like to think of myself as classy.

I try to dress classy and dance cheesy.

My family is really a classy 'Simpsons.'

Every woman is after a kind of classy image.

The classy gangster is a Hollywood invention.

A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.

I got my style from my mom, she was a classy lady.

I like classy women: Virna Lisi, Catherine Deneuve.

I love Audrey Hepburn. I thought she was very classy.

The academy awards in England; it's a classy affair as well.

I like the word 'indolence'. It makes my laziness seem classy.

I love rose gold - it's just beautiful and classy and timeless.

I know Gov. Palin is a classy lady and has her head on straight.

Reba is very, very close to everyone around her. She's a classy lady.

People have a hard time making me dress up to look like a classy gal.

I have become convinced that everything that is classy doesn't go away.

I loved Diahann Caroll growing up. I love a sophisticated, classy woman.

Now I've become classy, else I would not have been on 'Koffee with Karan.'

I like to mix the street look with classy and sexy. I call it 'hood chic.'

The Kate Spade woman is a classy sort of working woman who's still stylish.

I don't consider myself a goody-goody, but I like to be perceived as classy.

I'm an amazing cook. And I'm a gentleman but can belch the entire alphabet. Classy.

We can still be sexy and vibrant, fashionable, classy, and fly until the day we die!

I don't understand the rewarding of behavior that is less than classy. I don't get it.

My nana is elegant, classy, and the most amazing woman that has ever walked this earth.

I've always been a fan of Kate Winslet. She's very classy and a sexy little thing, too.

I see myself as sexy. If you are comfortable with it, it can be very classy and appealing.

Blush pink is a timeless, classy, and soft color that all of us can rock any time of year!

Pair kurtas with cigarette pants, formal pants or palazzos for a more relaxed yet classy look.

Television will always err on the side of making something not quite as classy as it could be.

Justin Bieber and I are going to get married some day. I also like Tom Cruise. He's very classy.

I am the the type to have a personal experience with a celebrity, but I'm too classy to bring that up.

When I worked with Keira Knightley in 'Never Let Me Go,' I learned how to be classy and sophisticated.

They do very classy, sexy television in the U.S. - and they pay a lot more, so there's always that draw!

You don't want R&B singers to get into beef. Leave that to the rappers, let them do that - R&B, be classy.

Stanley Tucci is a classy actor, and Ian Holm is very short but equally classy - and both are also amazing.

I love to shop at BCBG, because it's classy and elegant but a little bit sexy. It fits who I am in one store.

While the fashion in Paris is very chic and classy, the fashion in Hong Kong is very hip, young and colorful.

'Frasier' was a classy gig. I didn't for one minute think it was less prestigious or artistic than doing a play.

I dress in a sophisticated and classy way - I always dress in a way I know my mother wouldn't be embarrassed to see.

I love shopping; I'm a jeans and a T-shirt kind of girl, but I go classy when I dress up - with a little bit of sexy.

I like Princess Kate. I think her style is really great. She's really, really classy and always really sophisticated.

David Beckham is a top man. I love the guy and what he can show in terms of style as well. He's really classy, an icon.

A guy wants a classy girl who is smart and has goals - someone that he wouldn't be afraid to bring home to his parents.

Whether it is a classy performance where you are creating a lot of chances or a scrappy one-goal win, it doesn't matter.

Meryl Streep is my favorite actor. She is so classy and a brilliant actress. Her performance in 'Sophie's Choice' just kills me.

Audrey Hepburn is a huge influence on my style. She's classy, confident, and simplistic. She's a tomboy and also super feminine.

Hatton don't look much like a guy who thinks about commas. But he is a gentleman. His family are gentlemanly. Real classy people.

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