I'm really a clean-cut kid.

I'm actually a pretty clean-cut person.

I am just a nice, clean-cut Mongolian boy.

I like clean-cut, very proper, very elegant looks.

I love to dress in Italian clean-cut three-piece suits.

Everyone in Sweden has great hair and teeth and is clean-cut and organised.

There are probably a few library fines I haven't paid yet, but I'm a pretty clean-cut guy overall.

Punk was never about one particular clean-cut imagery... it's about many, many individuals coming very loosely together.

People are gonna comment no matter what. If I dated the most clean-cut, perfect guy, they're gonna comment. That's just the way it is.

I don't want to say I'm a role model because I've not been the most clean-cut person, and there were times I could have gone the other way.

I appreciate that my fans think I'm classically good-looking and that I have a clean-cut image, but I also want to show other sides of myself.

I was the last one to screen test for The Hardy Boys. I'd like to play that's not as clean-cut as Frank Hardy. I play him as straight as possible.

The Beatles just changed everything right across the board. They just had that right combination of clean-cut good looks - a cute band - but under that they had a real rock n' roll thing going on.

I could have took the easy way and just been a cowboy, looking good, trying to make my money off Hank Williams and being this clean-cut guy. But I always wanted to be myself and go against the grain.

The only description for Nolan in the script was that he's a very bad dresser. I put on a red windbreaker and every other ugly, ill-fitting thing I could dig out. He was potentially written as a clean-cut nerd, but I wanted a darker spin.

I like the bad-boy types. Generally the guy I'm attracted to is the guy in the club with all the tattoos and nail polish. He's usually the lead singer in a punk band and plays guitar. But my serious boyfriends are relatively clean-cut, nice guys. So it's strange.

I don't like any one race or look or type of guy. My tastes as far as looks go are very diverse. I like guys with scruffy beards and leather jackets, but I also like a clean-cut 'GQ'-type guy, so my tastes are very ranged among somebody who laughs at my dumb jokes, too. I have plenty of them.

I must say, I always - from experience, when I watch TV shows and I see characters leave without a proper explanation or leave with not enough time, I get irritated. I like it when there's a clean-cut reason or a defining moment where they have to go. Whether that's death or not, I think that's subjective.

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