I'm a huge poster collector.

A real collector does not sell.

I was an avid Pokemon card collector.

I'm a collector of designer backpacks.

I guess I always have been a collector.

I've been an avid collector since I was a child.

I don't think any collector knows his true motivation.

I like sneakers. I guess I could call myself a collector.

No, I don't suppose I'm so much a collector sort of person.

Every experience, good or bad, is a priceless collector's item.

I've been a book collector since I was young, since I was a kid.

My brother had boxes of comic books. He was really the collector.

I'm a winemaker and a wine collector, so I usually just drink wine.

The tax collector must love poor people, he's creating so many of them.

After Strangelove I also started work on an adaptation of The Collector.

I'm not a collector, however, and I have no desire to own 50 or 60 guitars.

Vinyl has gotten to the point where it's exclusively for the collector, I guess.

I'm as passionate as any car owner or car collector that has one car or 300 cars.

I'm a geeky toy collector, and to have toys of your own characters is unbelievably cool.

I download, like, forty songs a day, I'm a big music collector and a big record collector.

Every passion borders on the chaotic, but the collector's passion borders on the chaos of memories.

I'm a collector, so I've got all kinds of sunglasses. I'd say I've got about a buck ten, buck twenty.

What is the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector? The taxidermist takes only your skin.

I'm not a collector. I don't like the toy cupboard syndrome that causes so many good cars to evaporate.

I'm a big toy collector. I've been slowing down because my money's been tight, but I collect toys, too.

My father and uncles and all their friends turned their lungs black trying to satisfy my collector's zeal.

I used to be a record collector. Mark Ronson, Questlove and I used to be part of, like, a record-trading crew.

I'm not an artist or a collector. I'm a skateboard kid with no one to tell me if I'm not doing things the right way.

I'm not a hoarder, I'm a collector: if you have something you like, every time you see it, you have a little happy hit.

I write from real life. I am an unrepentant eavesdropper and a collector of stories. I record bits of overheard dialogue.

I'm an art collector, have been for years, and I paint. Needless to say, the artwork in my houses, apartment is extensive.

The scarcity of the music not only makes the music itself enjoyable but it also gives the collector a strange sense of superiority.

I'm a comic nerd. I'm a former serious collector for much of my childhood and early teen years I wanted to draw underground comics.

I'm a collector of carvings. I love old, wooden, grotesque Gothic pieces, anything that has cherubs on it, satyrs and carved angels.

I don't have any expensive habits. I'm not a car collector or any of that nonsense. But I'd love to be incredibly wealthy for no reason at all.

I am a collector of dolls and doll parts. I'm rarely creeped out by most dolls, either in real life or in literature, but I know many people who are.

I had a guitar when I was 6 or 7, a plastic guitar with the Beatles' faces on it. It would be a collector's item now. It would fetch a hefty sum, I imagine.

What I do quite honestly and seriously and not in any way being humble is not as important as what the garbage collector does. People make actors important.

My mother wanted me off her hands. She was a working woman. She designed clothes, and she was a celebrity collector. It's my mother's ambition to be a celebrity.

The chariot was purchased by a private collector who took it home to New York. I take pleasure in knowing that it was built to last for at least a thousand years.

Who's destined to be the next world star and collector of Ballon d'Or when Cristiano and Messi stop playing? It's the Frenchman Kylian Mbappe, a truly unique player!

I am a collector of many things, but I particularly love the sterling silver mint julep cups, each engraved with the titles of the Broadway shows in which I appeared.

I never stopped thinking about the Alamo from that day to this. I'm a huge collector of memorabilia. I've got Davy Crockett's bullet pouch. I've got Colonel Travis's belt.

Conservation is key to preserving many of the world's natural beauty spots, so do your best to help by keeping to designated footpaths and being a discerning souvenir collector.

An espionage organization is a collector: it collects raw information. That gets processed by a machinery that is supposed to resolve its reliability, and to present a finished product.

I'm an anorak. I've always been an obsessive collector of things. Richard Briers collects stamps. I collect cars and guns, which are much more expensive, and much more difficult to store.

I don't know a single collector or museum director who says: 'Oh, he's on a list, so I think I'll buy something of his.' The people who buy my art put a little more thought into it than that.

I love rare books. Not that I own a lot of them, mind you. You couldn't quite call me a rare-book collector. But I did once work in a rare-books library, and I wrote a novel about a rare book.

I'll tell something, a lot of times I'd listen to Charlie and some of the interviews he had and he said, 'Well, yeah, I was a garbage goal collector.' But he knew the timing. I knew where he was.

Though I have never thought of myself as a book collector, there are shelves in our house browsed so often, on so many rainy winter nights, that the contents have seeped into me as if by osmosis.

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