I applied to zero colleges.

Colleges take kids' money. It's that simple.

I don't believe in colleges and universities.

Community colleges are the way of the future.

Instead, most colleges are studies in obsolescence.

I kept going to different colleges, but dropped out.

Enquire what the effect of large endowments are upon colleges.

All the colleges I played, most of the colleges, they were white.

The last thing the NFL wants to do is make problems for the colleges.

So far as the colleges go, the sideshows are swallowing up the circus.

When I go to colleges for talks, I encourage the students to drop out.

Colleges are places where pebbles are polished and diamonds are dimmed.

All Southern state colleges and universities are open to black students.

The problem is the for-profit colleges. These guys are absolute criminals.

For example, many colleges in their writing programs teach some of my work.

I got kicked out of high school, so I couldn't get into very many colleges.

One of the reasons that our colleges have gotten so expensive is because of tenure.

I've said it before, but community colleges are the best-kept secret in the nation.

Colleges are like old-age homes, except for the fact that more people die in colleges.

Doing away with separate black colleges meets resistance from alumni and other blacks.

I was a maverick. I went to five different colleges looking for I don't know quite what.

There is a stigma attached to community colleges, and we do need to change the narrative.

Yes, I went the junior-college route, but I was playing at some very good junior colleges.

The majority of the Big Ten towns are college towns. The colleges are kind of what run the towns.

People have not really noticed community colleges, but they are where students really become successful.

Look at where Jesus went to pick people. He didn't go to the colleges; he got guys off the fishing docks.

London's top colleges attract the best young talent from around the world; they're truly a national asset.

I feel it has become increasingly competitive. There are some insane cut-offs to get into a lot of colleges.

Elite colleges like Stanford are extremely inaccessible. They're failing in their mission to provide access.

After Big Media, U.S. colleges and universities are the biggest enemies of the values of red-state Americans.

For laid-off workers, community colleges offer job-certification programs that teach new skills and professions.

A number of American colleges are willing to pay a tempting amount to pinch and poke an author for a day or two.

With the changing economy, no one has lifetime employment. But community colleges provide lifetime employability.

I'm a craftsman type of teacher. I don't like the thematic type of teaching that takes place in a lot of colleges.

I want to go to colleges and give seminars. I want to sit down with kids in classrooms and have them challenge me.

I'm sure that being an applicant from the American School in Vienna helped get me into all seven colleges I applied to.

Colleges produce more sports therapists than engineers. Perhaps because America is a sporty country: a lot of outdoors.

The passage of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 was a substantial victory for community colleges.

Our schools and colleges are turning out people who cannot feel fulfilled unless they are telling other people what to do.

By allowing many adult learners to retrain and upskill throughout their careers, colleges provide expertise for key sectors.

If white people need colleges to furnish teachers, ministers, lawyers, and doctors, do black people need nothing of the sort?

In the 1970s colleges were under the reign of a very odd form of literary theory called deconstruction or post-structuralism.

College players make money for the colleges. You think they spend all that recruiting money to get the best students? Come on.

I've been at two different high schools, two different colleges, so I've learned some new playbooks, and that always helps me.

When I do stand-up shows at colleges, girls will talk to me after the show, and that always feels good. I like talking to them.

The imperial province should have a university, the prefectures should have colleges, and the counties should have day schools.

People need to realize that community colleges really give you a good education. And they do - that's just a simple fact of it.

It's a good idea to revitalize community colleges, to cut back, to modify the student loan program so it doesn't go through banks.

Robotics is very interdisciplinary, and so, except at a very few colleges, there is not a major that is exactly fitted to robotics.

People look at me like I'm crazy when I say that our greatest partnership here at Ohio State should be with the community colleges.

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