I grew up with gossip mags commenting on how I looked.

Art is commenting on what's going on around you in your life.

Judges should avoid commenting on a candidate for public office.

Half the guys commenting on MS Dhoni can't even tie their shoelaces.

I'm used to people commenting on my body, even women I have just met.

To me, comedy is just twisting reality. It's commenting or observing or twisting life.

As treasury secretary, I don't see it as my role commenting on the dollar in short-term movements.

Well, I make a practice of not commenting on the role of the relative exchange value of our currency.

It's a better boost to my ego that people are commenting positively on my appearance than negatively.

I definitely have fun commenting on the real world and interpreting through the 'Dear White People' lens.

I guess I've always been drawn to roles that have smart characters commenting on what's happening around them.

I've always wanted to connect with my viewers but there's only so much you can do through commenting and tweets.

I went into photography because it seemed like the perfect vehicle for commenting on the madness of today's existence.

In my twenties, I was virulently opposed to anyone commenting on my appearance, lest it come at the expense of my ability.

I will only talk about my work. I have always stayed away from commenting on my personal life, and that remains unchanged.

It's not easy for most girls to stand in next-to-nothing and listen to photographers and stylists commenting on how they look.

I think you've got to be careful with social media. You can get addicted to the buzz of people liking and commenting. It's exhausting.

I like shows where the female characters are as funny as the male characters, not just commenting on how funny the male characters are.

In reality, if there are 200 people commenting on something online, it's less than a grain of salt in a huge beach of humanity - who cares?

Being in an acting class, you always feel like, you know, you're insecure, a lot of ways, when the teacher is commenting on your performance.

I was angry and sad that people kept commenting on my pictures saying, 'You're too fat to wear that!' or 'Cover up! No one wants to see that!'

I've always considered myself to look like a rather plain-and-exhausted bluestocking, so it's rather odd to read Tweets commenting on my appearance.

It's a fine line between commenting on social events and exploiting them in a commercial endeavor. This is the tension with which the fashion industry struggles - unfairly.

More immediately, I'm currently working on another Dracula in which there will be connections with ancient Egypt. That's about as far as I want to go in commenting on current work.

When I was a kid, we all knew who Niki Lauda was. He was a hero, a living legend in Germany. Everybody knows him. And he's still very present on TV because he's commenting for Formula One.

Generals aren't in the business of commenting on the correctness or incorrectness of the President's decisions. Anybody who thinks he should be able to do that ought to be fired on the spot.

There is an odd assumption that compassion and care are finite or that critics can be everything to everyone - commenting on everything simply because they can. That's not what cultural criticism is.

It's a form of mental and verbal gymnastics, and one of the things that appeals to me most about commenting on darts is that no one knows exactly what I'm going to come out with next - and neither do I.

As a professional journalist who nonetheless champions a 'people's' Internet, I am happy to compete against the thousands of amateur bloggers out there reporting and commenting on the same stories I do.

The fact is, I'm half-British, half-Malaysian. For an Asian who's grown up in America to be commenting on how Asian I am when they've never left America... does that make them more or less Asian than me?

We're in this industry, we feel like we need to be plugged into a news cycle all day long. You feel like if you're not commenting on the news 24 hours a day, seven days a week, you're not going to be relevant.

Gail didn't want me commenting on the opinion pages. I was hired by the news department and, despite the rabid assertions of the Times' enemies and detractors, the two really have nothing to do with each other.

I don't think the process was successful and should be inspected closer. I am not afraid to say I am not familiar with the entire process, so before commenting further I would have to study the process more in depth.

I grew up in Brooklyn, N.Y. For part of my life, I was living in Detroit, and I remember a friend of mine commenting she could always tell when I had been speaking to my mother because my New York accent had come back.

I have to admit to being a music snob. I think, in a parallel universe, I pretty easily could have been Jack Black's character from 'High Fidelity,' working in a record store and snidely commenting on everyone's purchases.

But when you're grieving, when you're going through something difficult, you lose your appetite. You don't want to eat. People are also always commenting on your weight, while at the same time forcing you to eat, so it's very complicated.

As a devoted mother and private person, and with complete awareness that my daughter will one day be old enough to read the news about herself, I would only like to say that I will never, ever be commenting on the dissolution of my marriage.

I love fantasy. I love horror. I love musicals. Whatever doesn't really happen in life is what I'm interested in. As a way of commenting on everything that does happen in life, because ultimately the only thing I'm really interested in is people.

The really funny comedies to me are always the ones that are played the straightest or given the most emotional content. And when people start making faces and setting things up and commenting and winking at you, I don't find that to be very funny.

I laugh about it all the time, but, for whatever reason, a lot of people think that I wear a wig. I get emails and tweets about people commenting on my hair being a wig. It's one of the strangest but most entertaining things I've read about myself online.

I've long been interested in the tale-within-a-tale phenomenon. I'm familiar with many tales which use this framework or the device of many people in one place, telling their stories, or multiple storytellers commenting on each others' stories with their own.

There is a tradition in America of people in business not only commenting on the way the government is being run but doing something about it if they don't like it. In fact, they don't just rail about it: they go into government, like some of my ex-colleagues.

I think Instagram made me more aware that there's actually people that care about what we do, and that we have fans. So that kind of showed me that maybe the people that follow me every day, and are commenting on my pictures, would want to wear the dress I've worn.

When people are getting on me for being at a Ranger game at 7 o'clock at night, they don't see what I've done between yoga, Pilates, workout, thrown, ran, done all my work by 5 o'clock, ate, and then I went to the game. Nobody is seeing that. Nobody is commenting on that.

Sometimes you'll see people give performances in comedy with an ironic detachment where they'll sort of be remarking on the character from outside of it. They're sort of commenting as they're playing the character. I think it's hard not to do that. I've certainly done that.

Much of the discussion around how people look at women focuses on culture, as if the media is entirely to blame. As if, without magazines and commenting hosts, we'd all suddenly dress in practical overalls and only judge a person on the quality of their charity work and poetry.

I think one of the critiques of me is that I thought I knew it all. But I was learning from the enormous resources available within the U.S. government who have a very different view of the world than many of the people commenting on foreign policy from outside of the government.

It didn't really sink in for me when I first heard that we would be supporting RHCP. But when I heard people around us commenting on how incredible it is to be on tour with such a celebrated band, that's when it finally sunk in and realised what a remarkable honour it is to tour with RHCP.

Every now and then, we hear parents commenting on the fearful things which motion pictures may do to the minds of children. They seem to think that a little child is full of sweetness and of light. We had the same notion until we had a chance to listen intently to the prattle of a three-year-old.

The social media bit is really about documenting process. I like the dialogue if it's constructive, but I'm now at a crossroads. I've accumulated a lot of followers, and it's great, but I'm also at that teetering point where people are feeling themselves a little too much, commenting a little too much.

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