I am not a communist.

We defeated communist Japan.

The Jew is an inborn Communist.

I've never said I'm a communist.

Communists are the last optimists.

Picasso is a communist. Neither am I.

Communists are frustrated capitalists.

There is no room for communists in Kenya.

I'm not a communist, just a media theorist.

I never accepted Communist dogma or theory.

I am a Christian, therefore I am a communist.

I believe in a libertarian communist society.

Horrible to say, in a manner I am a Communist.

The communists pave the way for him (the Jew).

There's a communist living in the White House!

I lived under the Nazis and under the Communists.

[Dalton] Trumbo himself was a terrible Communist.

I'm a communist, man. I'm going to break the rules.

I am a Christian. That obliges me to be a Communist.

I've been called communist, socialist, anti-American.

I will never vote Democrat again, they are Communists.

The Communist vision is the vision of man without God.

So these Red Sox... are they a Communist organization?

Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing.

I don't pay a lot of attention to communist infiltrators.

The aims of anarchists and true communists are identical.

Communists have no respect for people, only for positions.

I can't understand Karl Marx, so how can I be a Communist?

What does Karl Marx put on his pasta? Communist Manipesto!

I'm a Communist, fully convinced and dedicated to my cause.

People are very much wrought up about the Communist bugaboo.

Remember that the Communist Party is a meritocracy in China.

I want to be the first guy to reverse a communist revolution.

I've always been that contemptible thing, a luxury communist.

I was an anti-communist before I was political in other ways.

I'm a Communist by day and a Catholic as soon as it gets dark.

I would live in a communist country providing I was the Queen.

I came from a communist country where there are no luxury cars.

My dad was a Communist Party member who fought for his country.

I am not a communist and neither is the revolutionary movement.

China's Communist Party is wary of independent-minded movements.

Communists are great capitalists, so there is no threat anymore.

Well, it was alleged that he was a member of the Communist Party.

It was not Soviet people who formed the American Communist Party.

Show me where Stalin is buried and I'll show you a Communist Plot.

If the communist party is controlling China, they represent China.

Don't listen to what the Communists say, but look at what they do.

I ain't a communist necessarily, but I been in the red all my life.

The American Communists had thrived as champions of domestic reform.

America I used to be a communist when I was a kid and I'm not sorry.

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