There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in ...

There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast.

I love to have contrast.

Contrast is the dramatist's method.

Life really is a series of contrasts.

Contrast is what makes photography interesting.

Obama and Clinton make an interesting contrast in brands.

The contrast between the 1970's and today is very marked.

Political pendulums swing hard and feed on stark contrast.

In contrast to my husband, I can pronounce the word nuclear.

Trump's juvenilia stands in stark contrast to Obama's measured words.

In contrast, fear societies are societies in which dissent is banned.

It's always nice with two guitarists in one band to have some contrast.

I try to contrast; life today is full of contrast... We have to change.

In contrast, the control you have in a theatre is very attractive to me.

There could not be a more stark contrast between Wisconsin and Illinois.

I think a lot of what I do musically is about juxtaposition and contrast.

Elections are about choices, and part of what you do is draw that contrast.

In order for poetry to exist there has to be not-poetry to contrast it with.

In contrast to reincarnation and karma, all other views seem petty and narrow

I have always liked the contrast between being blonde and having dark features.

Use colors on eyes that contrast with the iris to make eyes appear more vibrant.

I like to play with contrast. It's about changing people's perceptions of people.

The more conflict and contrast you have with a character makes it more interesting.

In contrast to totalitarianism, democracy can face and live with the truth about itself.

Contrast of emotions is definitely something interesting that you like to do as an actor.

We pencil-sketch our previous life so we can contrast it to the technicolor of the moment.

Happiness ain't a thing in itself - it's only a contrast with something that ain't pleasant.

Our world and our state have been transformed, but, in contrast, we as people have not been.

There's something I love about how stark the contrast is between January and June in Sweden.

In Florence, classical buildings sit against medieval buildings. It's that contrast we like.

Value choices are intuitive... It's fun to see how much you can get without leaning on contrast.

Antara Mali is a fine performer. Her role in 'Road' is in complete contrast to that in 'Company.'

Simultaneous contrast is not just a curious optical phenomenon - it is the very heart of painting.

A true revolution of values will soon look uneasily on the glaring contrast of poverty and wealth.

To contrast national solidarity and international cooperation as two opposites seems foolish to me.

Which is probably the reason why I work exclusively in black and white... to highlight that contrast.

Phase contrast was not discovered while working with a microscope, but in a different part of optics.

There is no quality in this world that is not what it is merely by contrast. Nothing exists in itself.

I like the contrast in making something that sounds sunny but also has an element of melancholy to it.

Ashok Mehta was the man who brought contrast and lighting back to mainstream Hindi film cinematography.

Sometimes it's good to contrast what you like with something else. It makes you appreciate it even more.

In cloning, in contrast, reproduction is asexual - the cloned child is the product not of two but of one.

A wonderful thing about a book, in contrast to a computer screen, is that you can take it to bed with you.

Painting stems from a sense of organisation, the sensed positions of contrasts. Not that it is about this.

The duty of a toastmaster is to be so dull that the succeeding speakers will appear brilliant by contrast.

Rest is valuable only so far as it is a contrast. Pursued as an end, it becomes a most pitiable condition.

Michigan is two radically different places - the North and the South which makes for good drama and contrast.

My friendship with Martin [Schulz], by contrast, is completely different in that it goes far beyond politics.

Humour is essentially a comforter, reconciling us to things as they are in contrast to things as they might be.

I am convinced that tough villains help make a comedy sparkle because they provide a contrast to the funny guys.

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