I only record songs that I really like and believe in and can sing with conviction.

If an artiste has the conviction to carry something off, he or she can do anything.

A strong conviction that something must be done is the parent of many bad measures.

I am not a politician, and I will never be, and I say that with absolute conviction.

Leadership implies movement toward something and convictions provide that direction.

Boredom is the conviction that you can't change ... the shriek of unused capacities.

Once a person is determined to help themselves, there is nothing that can stop them.

Doctinaires are the vultures of principle. They feed upon principle after it is dead.

Too many theorists have a tendency to ignore facts that contradict their convictions.

The deepest thing in any one is the conviction of the bad luck that follows boasting.

I don't consider myself a Hollywood liberal, but I have my convictions and my beliefs.

Once you pull the trigger, you've got to throw balls aggressively and with conviction.

I will yield to popular demands only insofar as they do not betray my own convictions.

The Labor Party is a party of conviction. The Liberal Party is a party of convenience.

I don't regard my career as something so precious that it comes before my convictions.

What a solace Christianity must be to one who has an undoubted conviction of its truth!

My personal conviction is that science is concerned wholly with truth, not with ethics.

When we lock things away," he said with conviction, "we're really imprisoning ourselves.

You need conviction in your own beliefs, and the willingness to ignore others naysaying.

The Atlantic really gave me my writing career - even just the conviction to be a writer.

It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.

When you fight to give your family bread, that's not passion anymore: that's conviction.

Sophie Chattel-Monkheim was a Socialist by conviction and a Chattel-Monkheim by marriage.

When you flip anything, you really you just have to have the courage of your convictions.

It is my conviction that marriage is such a good idea, only God could have thought of it.

Most people feel like they're out of step, so just have the conviction to go your own way.

'The Atlantic' really gave me my writing career - even just the conviction to be a writer.

How far does a pretence of feeling, maintained with absolute conviction, become authentic?

The greatest source of discouragement is the conviction that one is unable to do something

If I am comfortable doing work in a certain way, then I will do it my way with conviction.

I would say doing film is all about trust and conviction. It's about believing in an idea.

And when we are tolerant, we must know whether it is because of convenience or conviction.

I have served a sufficiently long sentence. I am not asking for a pardon of my conviction.

Paternity is based anyhow only upon conviction: I am convinced, therefore, I am the father.

In real life the people who are most bigoted are the people who have no convictions at all.

My aesthetic is probably closer to a 15-year-old's than my dad's, but I get his conviction.

No man knows the genuineness of his convictions until he has sacrificed something for them.

My sad conviction is that people can only agree about what they're not really interested in.

The sure conviction that we could if we wanted to is the reason so many good minds are idle.

The one thing you can do for others is the manage your own life. And do it with conviction.

The worth of every conviction consists precisely in the steadfastness with which it is held.

Beware of making a fetish of consistency to your convictions instead of being devoted to God.

The Cat was a creature of absolute convictions, and his faith in his deductions never varied.

Through these adversities, Israel has endured with continued strength, conviction, and faith.

The word of knowledge, strictly employed, implies three things: truth, proof, and conviction.

There are real solutions right now for us if we stand up with the courage of our convictions.

Every director has a sensibility and style, and what works is his originality and conviction.

I had a strong conviction that there was something out there in the world that was wonderful.

Don't let anyone tell you no. Do it with conviction, do it with passion, and you'll find a way

I'm 4'11", but that doesn't matter if I'm showing conviction and confidence in what I'm doing.

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