Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out.

If you pivot, do it fully and with conviction. The worst thing is to try to do a bit of the old and the new-it's hard to kill your babies.

Faith is not knowledge of what the mystery of the universe is, but the conviction that there is a mystery, and that it is greater than us.

And everyone who wills can hear the Voice. It is within every one. But like everything else it requires previous and definite preparation.

Emancipation, to be of any value to the slave, must be the free, voluntary act of the master, performed from a conviction of its propriety.

But as a heathen tells us, there is no nation so barbarous, no race so brutish as not to be imbued with the conviction that there is a God.

All the Junos, the Grammy nominations, the gold and platinum records, did nothing to assuage my conviction that I was an out-and-out loser.

You can trust the Bible. You will never be a great Christian until you come to the unshakable conviction that the Bible is the Word of God.

With each investment you make, you should have the courage and the conviction to place at least ten per cent of your net worth in that stock

In our timidity and our shoddy opportunism we are always stirred when a man appears on the horizon willing to stake his all on a conviction.

I like people with conviction, who are in control of themselves. I'm not interested in working with a designer who hires a creative director.

The reason we have this inner conviction that death is not the end - and that Heaven exists - is because we were created in the image of God.

People who see no gray tend to convince others to follow them. If someone talks with great conviction and joy, people tend to agree with them.

Probably I look different in different get-ups, so I can pass off as an urban and rural character, hopefully with the same kind of conviction.

I started with the firm conviction that when I came to the end, I wanted to be regretting the things that I had done, not the things I hadn't.

It is not easy to pull off your shirt, bare your torso and go beyond it. It needs a lot of conviction. You have to be comfortable in your skin.

I have come to have the firm conviction that vanity is the basis of everything, and finally that what one calls conscience is only inner vanity.

I do my best work when I feel conviction to say something through the character I play. Always I want to have integrity and not compromise that.

We don't do ambivalence well in America. We do courage of our convictions. We do might makes right. Ambivalence is French. Certainty is American.

Men are never duly touched and impressed with a conviction of their insignificance, until they have contrasted themselves with the majesty of God

Our conviction that we are free to choose what we make of a photograph hides the complicity to which we are recruited in the very act of looking.

Ah, that we lack the courage of our romantic convictions; and thereby miss the wine of life, forgoing the very thing that makes living worthwhile.

Only conviction sells. Well, when we are insecure, we really don't have that 100 percent conviction. Once we have it, we can tide over everything.

If this work seems so threatening, this is because it isn't simply eccentric or strange, but competent, rigorously argued, and carrying conviction.

There can be no great courage where there is no confidence or assurance, and half the battle is in the conviction that we can do what we undertake.

This is going to seem odd, but I love Eminem because he has so much conviction and emotion in the way he raps. Every word that he raps, you feel it.

While leadership depends on depth of conviction and the power coming therefrom, there must also be the ability to share that conviction with others.

The only faith that wears well and holds its color in all weathers is that which is woven of conviction and set with the sharp mordant of experience.

I believe that it's better to have a conviction, believe strongly in something, and then the convictions create a style that reflects your mentality.

I play Sophie in 'Koode': a very strong and soft woman who has been through many atrocities yet holds herself together through conviction in herself.

I might sound audacious, but the Mahatma has been a great inspiration. He had the conviction to live with his beliefs in the face of total disbelief.

I come from a generation that had no monitors on the sets. You had to go with the director's conviction and be happy with it. I still work like that.

My advice to young entrepreneurs is not to accept defeat in the face of odds, and challenge negative forces with hope, self-confidence and conviction.

You will be a failure, until you impress the subconscious with the conviction you are a success. This is done by making an affirmation which 'clicks.'

Where do you find the strength to brave a barrage of enemy fire and to bring your wounded friends to safety at great risk to your own life? Conviction.

... my convictions led me to adhere to the sufficiency of the light within us, resting on truth as authority, rather than 'taking authority for truth.'

Certainly within any decadent period, you would probably find the purest expressions of conviction, and I do not see that in many of the people I know.

Genocide begins, however improbably, in the conviction that classes of biological distinction indisputably sanction social and political discrimination.

Be who you are. It's easy to feel like you have to blend in, but it takes courage to live your life with conviction and embrace the person that you are.

Indictments of any kind are serious. That being said, let's not forget that an indictment is not a conviction. We still have due process in this country.

I am coming more and more to the conviction that the necessity of our geometry cannot be demonstrated, at least neither by, nor for, the human intellect.

When I went to the starting line of the 1976 Olympic marathon in Montreal, it was with the unsettling conviction that some of my competitors were cheaters.

Love of, and respect for, the humble routine of everyday life and its creatures was the only moral commandment which carried conviction when I was a child.

And I like the way Cain writes his women. Very strong. They're kind of lusty, they know what they want, they're full of conviction. Cain's women are sexual.

I believe Barack Obama has shown a deep conviction to help those most in need, even if their voices are not always the ones heard the loudest in Washington.

The God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?

I've always had this deep-down conviction that I'm not like everybody else, and there's an amazingly exciting new life waiting for me just around the corner.

Are your convictions so fragile that mine cannot stand in opposition to them? Is your God so illusory that the presence of my Devil reveals his insufficiency?

The Martha Stewart trial makes clear how far women have risen in the business world. America can be proud of our equal-opportunity prosecution and conviction.

It is well known to all experienced minds that our firmest convictions are often dependent on subtle impressions for which words are quite too coarse a medium.

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