I have lived most of my life with the conviction that I don't dream, because I never could retrieve a dream.

There’s no basis or anything. I just have this conviction that appeared inside of me which I have to follow.

I can say with total conviction that it was the Holy Spirit that chose, guided the election of Pope Francis.

One has to speak out and stand up for one's convictions. Inaction at a time of conflagration is inexcusable.

It takes a special conviction to decide to go against the crowd and to know what is right and to act upon it.

My dad always, he helped me by not helping me. He always said, being a producer, it was all about conviction.

The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and the will to carry on.

I have a conviction that it's only when you are put at full stretch that you can realise your full potential.

Quotations in my work are like wayside robbers who leap out armed and relieve the stroller of his conviction.

We are not abandoning our convictions, our philosophy or traditions, nor do we urge anyone to abandon theirs.

I'm a man of convictions. If you press me about how I feel about an issue, you're going to see my convictions.

Youth can only assert itself through the conviction that its ventures surpass all others and resemble nothing.

One difference between a conviction and a prejudice is that a conviction can be explained without getting angry.

The aim of totalitarian education has never been to instill convictions but to destroy the capacity to form any.

A person is strong only when he stands upon his own truth, when he speaks and acts from his deepest convictions.

The most good you can do for yourself spiritually is to live your life with total love, conviction, and purpose.

One of the dreariest spots on life's road is the point of conviction that nothing will ever again happen to you.

If your theological convictions are not producing a deeper love for others, then it's time to rethink some stuff.

I am able to make a contribution... Let me repeat my convictions, I can make a contribution to American painting.

Blasphemy and prayer are one. Both assert the existence of a superior power. The first, however, with conviction.

A good song gathers the years in. It's why you can sing it with such conviction 40 years after it's been written.

Neither the intensity of your feelings nor the certainty of your convictions is any assurance that you are right.

Religion is not theory - it is life. It is not intellectual conviction - it is divine humanity, and nothing else.

The ethic of conviction and the ethic of responsibility are not opposites. They are complementary to one another.

I am influenced more than ever before by the conviction that social equality is the only basis of human happiness.

Remain still, with the conviction that the Self shines as everything yet nothing, within, without, and everywhere.

No human power can force the intrenchments of the human mind: compulsion never persuades; it only makes hypocrites.

Weakness is what keeps driving us to God, by the overwhelming conviction that there just isn't anywhere else to go.

Then it would not be so strong a sense. If it failed to produce equal exertion, it could not be an equal conviction.

I think the best writing is full of honesty and conviction. A lot of people are afraid to reveal much of themselves.

Every man of humane convictions must decide on the protest that best suits his convictions, but we must all protest.

I have always held the conviction that American citizens should keep as much of their hard-earned money as possible.

Someone once described me as a maverick and that's what I would say. I'm a maverick not by choice but by conviction.

If we regulate our conduct according to our own convictions, we may safely disregard the praise or censure of others.

A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done.

Democracy not only requires equality but also an unshakable conviction in the value of each person, who is then equal

Democracy not only requires equality but also an unshakable conviction in the value of each person, who is then equal.

Hits and flops happen in everyone's careers. Be it an actor or a filmmaker, you can't let that affect your conviction.

The beauty is that through disappointment you can gain clarity, and with clarity comes conviction and true originality.

Along with a sense of humor, my songs have to be sincere, and they have to be sung from a position of inner conviction.

If you don't have the ability to see when to stand up and the conviction to do it, you'll never be an effective leader.

In this nation, the greatest of all nations, there are no second-class families. That is our great American conviction.

'Villain' succeeded because we were genuinely working towards a good film. We worked hard and with a lot of conviction.

A 'No' uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a 'Yes' merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.

In this nation, the greatest of all nations, there are no second-class families. That is our great American conviction.

PRESBYTERIAN, n. One who holds the conviction that the government authorities of the Church should be called presbyters.

I do not seek unpopularity as a badge of honour, but sometimes it is the price of leadership and the cost of conviction.

The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather in spite of ourselves.

Man's will, sustained by an indominable conviction, is much more powerful than material forces that seem insurmountable.

I share Alfred Nobel's conviction that war is the greatest of all human disasters. Infectious disease runs a good second.

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