Every country has an aspect to it that rubs up people the wrong way.

I like the back country, wildlife and all of that, but it's wrong to force poor people to live that way.

When I wrote the song, The Way It Is, I wanted to move people to take a stand on civil rights in this country.

Because we are Nashville-based and predominately a country label, people obviously think of us in that way, and that's fine.

I should like to underline: no people, no country, in which a Communist dictatorship has been established, ever found its way out of it.

I've always fought for my country, in my own way, showing that Filipinos are a strong people and can do anything that they put their minds to.

For an artist to go and play in a country that occupies other people's land and oppresses them, the way Israel does, is plain wrong. They should say no.

Democrats should be focused on which way we can help the most people in this country, and Republicans should be focused on how to do that in the most fiscally responsible manner possible.

We have to invest in people if we're going to have a country where every person can participate in our economy and share in our prosperity, and we have to break down the many barriers that stand in their way.

The way we divorce in this country hurts people on the deepest level. The ripple effect and resonance of it is remarkable, vast - vast - and if I ever went into Parliament, I would become very involved in that.

Serbia did not want to recognize our country in a peaceful way, so that is why they wanted to destroy us. All our efforts to find a peaceful solution were impossible. In order to save the people, NATO had to intervene.

Bush is a frat boy in the White House but we've had that before. But I wasn't one of those people that was threatening to leave the country. By the way none of those people have left the country. Alec Baldwin is still here.

One way to bring down crime in the state of California and every state in the union is to have an enforceable border. That means let's build that border fence. When people want to come into this country, let's ask them to knock on the front door.

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