Serbia is open for business.

Serbia stands firmly on the EU path.

Serbia is blamed in advance for everything.

Discussing economic reforms in Serbia is futile.

My place is in Serbia if the NATO criminals bomb.

Serbia has become a pariah nation, untouchable like a leper.

Kosovo is not a part of Serbia. It is the very heart of Serbia.

Why four great powers should fight over Serbia no fellow can understand.

I never say Serbia. I always say I come from a country that no longer exists.

We would like Serbia to become a member of the European Union as quickly as possible.

Nonviolence worked in Serbia, and it can work in other countries seeking their freedom.

I want to help children in Serbia and around the world so they can realize their dreams.

The army did what Milosevic's regime asked of it, which was to create a 'Greater Serbia'.

As prime minister, I will never make a decision that will be an injustice to Serbia and its citizens.

In Serbia, it is amazing pressure. When we lose a game, it is like somebody dies. It is really horrible.

Serbia will neither allow a revision of history, nor will it forget who are the main culprits in World War I.

I wrote about my journey through the country of Serbia exactly as I have always written my books, my literature.

I've been happy from the start at Newcastle. It has been my favourite club ever since I was small boy in Serbia.

Novi Sad is a really beautiful city, and the club is really nice. It is one of the best youth academies in Serbia.

When people ask me where I am from I never say, 'Serbia.' I always say, 'I come from a country that no longer exists.'

You know, in each segment of ex-Yugoslavia, multi-ethnic life is lost, except I think we somehow still have this in Serbia.

Imagine a part of the U.S.A., from which the U.S.A. started - where is the cradle of your history? This is Kosovo for Serbia.

There has been enough blood in the Balkans. Serbia is offering its hand. Let us turn to the future and not deal with the past.

Had someone from Serbia flown a 'Greater Serbia' flag in Tirana or Pristina, it would become an issue for the U.N. Security Council.

I am very happy I grew up in Serbia. You can have tough times, good times, but you learn a lot. I am incredibly proud of where I am from.

I am flattered Serbia are interested in me and for the great effort they are making. But I am Spanish and my desire is to play for Spain.

A final and long-lasting solution to the Kosovo issue cannot be achieved without an agreement with Serbia, especially in regard to the U.N.

Being from Serbia makes us tough and eager to prove that we can come from this country that has been through so much and still be successful.

On my travels I, at least, did not see Serbia as a land of paranoiacs - much more as the huge room of an orphaned, yes, an orphaned, abandoned child.

The tradition in Serbia has always been team sports - football, basketball, handball, volleyball and water polo, individual sports are not supported.

My hometown, Backa Topola, was in the north of the country near the Hungarian border. It is a nice part of Serbia, and I am very happy I grew up there.

It should be clear to all, after the past ten years, that NATO isn't attacking Serbia because of Milosevic; it is attacking Milosevic because of Serbia.

Bombing the Murrah Federal Building was morally and strategically equivalent to the U.S. hitting a government building in Serbia, Iraq, or other nations.

I invite you to leverage Serbia because we have talented young professionals who are multilingual, highly educated, and willing to work for competitive wages.

I promised my mother that I'd be a famous footballer one day after seeing players such as Croatia's Davor Suker and Serbia's Predrag Mijatovic shine in France.

In Serbia a lot of people hate me because they want to westernize, not understanding that the western world is bipolar, with very good things and very bad things.

Of course many children are dreaming to play for Real Madrid, Barcelona, and Manchester United. I always just wanted to wear the jersey of Partizan, Newcastle, and Serbia.

The Serbian people are very kind. Sometimes life is ruthless, and you have to show character. But come to Serbia and see how friendly everyone is; then you'll change your mind.

Southampton have all the advantages to create good players; when you compare it to Serbia, Southampton has the better facilities. They can produce a player who is much more ready.

When I was young, always in Serbia there were some telenovelas on television, Spanish language. Then you listen, listen, listen, you watch one series, and then you can understand.

An international presence in Serbia's Kosovo province is not a problem. But only a civilian and unarmed mission under U.N. auspices, with Russia's participation, would be acceptable.

Coaches were all saying that I was really talented and I had potential, but coming from Serbia, it wasn't easy. The '90s were the hardest years for our country - we went through two wars.

So as far as Serbia is concerned, it does not have the right to influence the privatization or to claim any property, because Kosovo is a former member of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Milosevic did not die in The Hague - he was killed in The Hague. But, he had managed to defend the national and state interests of Serbia and the Serb people, and everybody should be grateful to him for that.

Milosevic will never stop, because he is fighting for personal power in Serbia. The only way to stop him is cutting the functioning of his war machine. He is spending $1.7 million a day on his war machine in Kosovo.

Serbia did not want to recognize our country in a peaceful way, so that is why they wanted to destroy us. All our efforts to find a peaceful solution were impossible. In order to save the people, NATO had to intervene.

I started moving towards Serbia when I felt my country, Yugoslavia, was being taken away from me. My feeling of nationality was not as strong as those around me who were attaching themselves to these absurd new entities.

We are very passionate and very emotional people in Serbia. Everything we do, it is done with emotions. We are very good at sport, tennis, basketball, football ,water polo, volleyball. We always try to show this character and use it.

I remember as a kid, my mom had to trade canned food to buy my brother and me chocolate because we were living in Serbia at the time, and there were sanctions. If I catch myself complaining about going to a red carpet event, I say, 'Shut up.'

In effect, I was asking that if Russia mobilized against Austria, the German Government, who had been supporting the Austrian demand on Serbia, should ask Austria to consider some modification of her demands, under the threat of Russian mobilization.

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