Critique by creating.

If you look at our world, it's a world of critique.

I'm not getting paid right now. No pay, no critique.

Patriotism is best exemplified through auto-critique.

I want to decouple this idea that critique is hatred.

Critique the performance, and respect the hard work put in.

I'm not going to critique every utterance of the president.

I don't want to critique an apology. An apology is an apology.

I love my family, even as I critique their dysfunctionalities.

Everybody has their opinion and they are going to critique you.

I have friends who will critique me much harder than any review.

I critique myself way harder than anybody else could critique me.

Allow the artist to finish the piece of work before you critique it.

Utopias are presented for our inspection as a critique of the human state.

Be silent when you are criticised so that you can hear the critiques well!

I can critique the bad; I can take the good, and I can add whatever I want.

We critique all politicians who are in power, whenever there's a talking point.

You have to be able to analyze yourself and critique yourself from every which way.

Liberalism can only be defined negatively. It is a mere critique, not a living idea

Liberalism can only be defined negatively. It is a mere critique, not a living idea.

Beyonce is not above critique. As a feminist herself, I hope Beyonce would welcome it.

I think it actually strengthens your critique when you aren't just "no" on everything.

The idea of peer critique, of talking about each other's art - I just found it so useless.

My work is drawn to the political but avoids an agenda. There is no inherent critique or support.

The new critique you're gonna start hearing about James Franco, is 'He's spreading himself too thin.'

It's difficult sometimes to go and see a show and enjoy it and not go and see a show and critique it.

I'm wonderfully self-lacerating, probably to my character's detriment. I'm terribly open to critique.

A lot of politics in art is just institutional critique, which, in my opinion, is not all that political.

I critique market-based medicine not because I haven't seen its heights but because I've seen its depths.

My black-and-white work is more of a celebration, and the color work became more of a critique of society.

I wouldn't be the type of person to critique anybody. I've got to look at myself first, to be a better person.

I always critique myself but I'm realistic - I know I can do better but I'm never that hard on myself, either.

I learned early on not to listen to either critique - the people who love you or the people who don't like you.

Critique, feedback, reaction to one's work or the way they have presented it, regardless of intention, is a gift.

I like to learn through doing. Let me make a mistake, and then critique me on what I did so that I learn that way.

Education is not for profit. If you're not in education for profit, it's not going to be a fair critique for education.

Every time I'd get a critique or some redirection, I'd always just take it very personally. Now I have no problem with it.

Johns will give me a good critique of my work. Before starting my film 'Shutter' I gave the script to Johns for his opinion.

One of the hardest things for me, now that I'm famous, is finding people who can read my stuff and give me an honest critique.

Dad is the one I turn to for critique. It helps me to keep growing. When he said 'I am so proud of you,' it meant so much to me.

When I come home and have a new song I've written, she gives me an honest critique. If my wife likes it, I know I have something.

I do think the patriotic thing to do is to critique my country. How else do you make a country better but by pointing out its flaws?

I'm honest about expressing my opinions. At the same time, I'm diplomatic in how I do critique things if I have a negative response.

A lot of the critique of our growing mechanization was actually at its strongest, and arguably at its most perceptive, during the late '60s.

My most profound growth as a writer came when I joined an online critique group. What a harrowing, terrifying, wonderful experience that was.

You have to look back on everything that you've done and critique yourself and find the holes in your game that you can continue to get better.

Am I an Apple bigot? No. I can critique their products and their customer service philosophy. But overall, they do better than any other player.

The series 'Generation Kill' is, along with everything else, a sustained critique of the structural and conventional fictions of 'The Hurt Locker.'

There's a conflation between the critique of the state of Israel and their policies with anti-Semitism, which I think is really flawed and inaccurate.

He who stands aloof runs the risk of believing himself better than others and misusing his critique of society as an ideology for his private interest.

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