... too many young painters of the day work for the crowd, and not ...

... too many young painters of the day work for the crowd, and not for art. But, then, should not the painters of the day work for the education of the crowd?

I can move any crowd.

Crowds speak in heroes.

Crowds create illusions.

I'm very shy in a crowd.

Beauty crowds me till I die.

I try to avoid large crowds.

We love the American crowds.

I draw from the crowd a lot.

The crowd makes the ballgame.

The future belongs to crowds.

Moses: God or crowd control?!?

There's a king in every crowd.

The country crowd just has fun.

We two are to ourselves a crowd.

There are idiots in every crowd.

Every crowd has a silver lining.

The crowd...a cacophony of colour

I don't like crowds or attention.

I always knew how to draw a crowd.

I get panic attacks in big crowds.

The crowd has a way of being right.

the urgent crowds out the essential.

Crowds respond to anthemic choruses.

The crowds in Milwaukee are awesome.

Be the one to stand out in the crowd.

Let me never become a slave to crowds.

I've played for a lot of tough crowds.

And the crowd often betrayed the people

Cyndi Lauper knows how to work a crowd.

I was definitely never a crowd pleaser.

One honest voice is louder than a crowd.

There's a lot of whiners in every crowd.

That's lifted the crowd up into the air.

I like performing in front of big crowds.

Nothing draws a crowd quite like a crowd.

Don't join an easy crowd; you won't grow.

New Yorkers are historically tough crowds.

Death calls ye to the crowd of common men.

Prejudices are what rule the vulgar crowd.

I'm agoraphobic. I can't deal with crowds.

There is never a crowd on the leading edge.

I love working in front of American crowds.

Wherever there is a crowd there is untruth.

A man is capable of thought. A crowd is not.

There are no crowds in the shores of wisdom!

Fight despite the crowds of the walking dead

Never follow the crowd. Go where it's empty.

Fortuna likes to find a crowd and follow it.

To keep the faith, run with the right crowd.

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