TV is just advertising for your live gig, so I'm playing whichever show is gonna get me the biggest crowd.

Denver has smart and energetic crowds that appreciate good comedy and don't take themselves too seriously.

Inside a crowd, you have no right to complain about the crowdedness, because you are already a part of it!

The rest of the crowd were friends of my fortune, not of me. [Lat., Caetera fortunae, non mea, turba fuit.]

He who reforms himself has done more towards reforming the public than a crowd or noisy, impotent patriots.

We survived a Slayer crowd every night for about 50 days and thought we could do about anything after that.

Where there had been only jeers or taunts at first, crowds come to listen with serious and sympathetic men.

The UK crowds always have a lot of energy, and I've done some milestone shows there that I'm very proud of.

There comes a time as an artist, can't follow the crowd. You have to do YOU, and make the crowd follow you.

There's so much interaction between the crowd and the music that it's an incredible moment to be a part of.

On the way to truth, walk with the crowds or walk all alone; but walk always and walk under every condition!

Live interaction with a crowd is a cathartic, spiritual kind of exchange, and its intensified at a festival.

I understand it's difficult but you've got to think about yourself, you know, and not just follow the crowd.

Society is like a crowd in carnival costumes with everyone fearful that others will see through his disguise.

A crowd is not necessarily company, but neither need it necessarily prevent thought or disturb peace of mind.

I go to these cocktail parties now, and I say I make video games, and people go, 'Wow.' I can attract crowds.

The U.K. crowds always have a lot of energy, and I've done some milestone shows there that I'm very proud of.

Playing to bigger audiences at festivals got me in the mindset of writing music that I would sing to a crowd.

If I could email my jokes to the crowd and get the same immediate response [as during stand-up], I'd do that.

Scottish crowds are always a good laugh: they never take life too seriously, and there's always great banter.

Anyway, the fetish crowd, compared to some of the people that hung out with the skinheads, was all pussycats.

I have jokes I've told before and will tell again, but my favorite part of the night is talking to the crowd.

The sum of the crowd's IQ was far below that of its most modest single member. Mobs have passions, not brains.

You booked him, and you didn't worry about crowds. For drawing power in the South, it was Roy Acuff, then God.

Just like Pagliacci did, I try to keep my surface hid. Smiling in the crowd I try, but in a lonely room I cry.

Our crowds seem to keep growing whether we put out a record or not, so I feel very lucky to have that support.

Playing in the Premier League, in front of such crowds and on such perfect pitches, is amazing. I am so lucky.

Extraordinary scenes there at the end. I think some of the crowd chanting 'Italy! Italy!' were actually Irish.

I have to be me, which is, don't like a lot of crowds, don't like a lot of attention - kind of being by myself.

I am stronger than words and I am bigger than the box I'm in, and then I see her in the crowd and I fall apart.

It always comes down to what the crowd buys coming out of your mouth, which differs from one comic to the next.

I stood staring, not as yet realising that this was death leaping from man to man in that little distant crowd.

I'm really thirsty to go on tour! I love putting on a show. If the crowd ain't acting bougie, I love performing.

We live a life that is often spent in crowds - parties, festivals and first nights - so it's nice to avoid them.

The crowd down in Australia is always so energetic, some of the best crowds in the world to perform in front of.

I love the crowds in Miami. I feel that is one of the tournaments where I get more support. That helps me a lot.

And where there had been only jeers or taunts at first, crowds came to listen with serious and sympathetic mien.

In solitude, you accumulate energy to spend in crowds; and in crowds, you accumulate energy to spend in solitude!

I don't want any minister to pray for me. But if you want a minister there to pray for the crowd, I won't object.

Speaking in front of a large crowd is not pleasant. Once it gets rolling, it's okay. But beforehand, it's murder.

And that boys," yelled Mr. Weasley over the tumult of the crowd below,"is why you should never go for looks alone!

Once you're inside the ring, a fight is a fight. Fans can't fight for you, the hometown crowd can't fight for you.

Everything is permitted, everything is allowed, and all our Gods we have outwitted, we are running with the crowd.

When your crowd of attendants so loudly applaud you, Pomponius, it is not you, but your banquet, that is eloquent.

Comic-Con has been an amazing experience. It's overwhelming, I have to admit, because of the lines and the crowds.

Even at it's worst, 'Def Jam' was extremely interesting and extremely well performed. And the crowds were amazing.

I don't go to regular music festivals because I tend to run in the opposite direction wherever there's big crowds.

I am thinking about launching a wine website where there is a deal and the crowd can dictate how cheap it can get.

After a certain point is reached the numbers cease to matter, and all that remains is the faceless mass of a crowd.

Seek instant gratification - or the elusive promise of it - and chances are you'll find a crowd there ahead of you.

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