I live in a cabin in Santa Cruz.

There`s a line of thinking about Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz is a small-government conservative.

I used to think Dominick Cruz was really good.

The reality is, Ted Cruz has seen his best day.

Senator Cruz has done well in Republican states.

I happen to think Martin Cruz Smith is very good.

Ted Cruz knew Ben Carson did not leave the campaign.

Ted Cruz announcing he`s no longer never [Donald] Trump.

Dominick Cruz is a great opponent, he has an amazing style.

I'm really going to put a stamp on my career by beating Cruz.

I live in Santa Cruz. I moved here in 1974 and couldn't leave.

Cruz is a little too athletic for Faber, Faber is flat-footed.

I, for one, want to see Mr. Cruz as a Supreme Court appointee.

They say 'Ted Cruz can't win.' Really? Have you talked to Ted?

I stood by Ted Cruz in 2012. I endorsed President Trump in 2016.

If you will not stand with Israel, then I will not stand with you

One person I lost to at 135 was the champion at the time, Dominick Cruz.

I'm not always 'Dominick Cruz, Tough Guy.' Depression runs in my bloodline.

I like me Italian girls; half Halle Berry, half Penelope Cruz sort of thing!

The people who can save this party are Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or John Kasich.

[Donald] Trump is right when he says Ted Cruz citizenship has never been litigated!

I love Celia Cruz - she was also a huge part of my childhood. She's an iconic woman.

The people who know Ted Cruz best despise him, including his former college roommate.

As far as Ted Cruz, he's one of the greatest liars and biggest liars I've ever known.

Jazz flute's funny. And I'm a big Latin music fan, Tito Puente, Tina Cruz, all that stuff.

I'm from Santa Cruz in Northern California, and the 49ers were my dad and I's bonding time.

I don't believe Trump or Cruz are fair traders. I think they are probably both free traders.

I'm not the new Penelope Cruz. I'm Paz Vega. There's only one Penelope, and she's marvelous.

I'm not the new Penelope Cruz. I'm Paz Vega. There's only one Penelope and she's marvellous.

I think Ted Cruz does a really good job; he's a rabble-rouser and thinks outside of the box.

I feel upsettingly de-natured. If Penelope Cruz were one of my nurses, I wouldn't even notice.

I've never seen anybody that lied as much as Ted Cruz. And he goes around saying he's a Christian.

Whenever anything disagreeable is happening in the country, Vera Cruz is sure to get its full share.

That's what Dominick Cruz does. He wins decisions and he has that down to a science. He's great at it.

[Ted Cruz] lies about things that he shouldn't be lying about. He lies about things that don't matter.

Ted Cruz caught the momentum in Wisconsin that I think that Donald Trump thought was his and his alone.

I grew up right in Santa Cruz, right across the bay from Monterey. I would go to Monterey all the time.

Ted Cruz is the Schroedinger's cat of politicians. He is both eligible and not eligible to be president.

One step outside the gate, and we are among the sand-hills that stretch for miles and miles round Vera Cruz.

The good thing about Cruz is we know who he is today, and we'll know exactly who he'll be in the White House.

I know politicians - I know politicians, believe it or not, better than you [Ted Cruz] do. And it's not good.

I'm a huge fan of Taio Cruz. I'm really liking what he's doing at the moment. I'd love to do something with him.

I see all four presidential candidates, the leading four, Cruz and Trump and Sanders and Clinton, all oppose TPP.

Dominick Cruz is my friend, we had a few beers together in the past, but you can't deny what I have done in the UFC.

It took me two years to get a title shot off a split-decision loss to Dominick Cruz that the UFC told me they thought I won.

I thought Ted Cruz was more fun than Carly Fiorina. And I never thought I would ever say the words, 'Ted Cruz was more fun.'

I would love for Senator Cruz, and everyone creating fear mongering and hatred, to consider creating hope, optimism and love.

I would be lying I didn't mention I saw Dominick Cruz's performance at UFC 178 and was impressed by his dominating performance.

Let [Ted] Cruz - let the people go to the courts and see if he's here legitimately. I don't know. I'm not going to get into that.

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