I grew up cursing a lot.

I'm trying to cut down my cursing.

Let me go to hell, that's all i ask.

I think cursing is a bunch of malarkey.

I was raised to think cursing makes you look unintelligent.

Taking up marriage is a good excuse for taking up cursing, I think.

I know that cursing isn't for everybody, but it is definitely for me.

I grew up cursing a lot. It felt natural. My parents told me to stop.

My definition of cursing is probably different from what other people's definitions are.

I love British cursing - the cadence of it, the joy in the sound of the words, and the vulgarity of it.

Surfing is like that. You are either vigorously cursing or else you are idiotically pleased with yourself.

You're always cursing, you're always praying and you're always making love. It ain't do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do.

I really love cursing a lot. But as I get older, I realize it's a little unseemly for women of a certain age.

If I wanted to show family or friends content that had loads of cursing in it, I wouldn't be as proud of that.

Some men storm imaginary Alps all their lives, and die in the foothills cursing difficulties which do not exist.

I thought I'd miss cursing, but I actually don't. I still feel like I can get my point across without real harsh language.

I don't like cursing in movies. I feel like cursing has become the new hackiness. You try to find substitutions for cursing.

I have so much respect for people that are my elders. You aren't going to hear me cursing around people that are 60 and 70 years old.

I've had more coaches in pregame meetings apologize for cursing. I'm like, I swear like a pirate. You don't have to worry about that.'

They say that instead of cursing the darkness, one should light a candle. Nothing is mentioned, though, about cursing a lack of candles.

If you're working at the factory and you're cursing every day that you get up, at all costs get out of it. You'll just make yourself ill.

Back when I was in high school, being a Republican was like cursing. Republicans were greedy people who didn't take care of the workingman.

My father was a first reader in the Christian Science Church, which is similar to being a preacher. There was no drinking, smoking or cursing.

Cursing is heavily used in the Irish language. It's not a stretch for me, and I have no qualms about it. It doesn't fall far from the real me.

One of the trials of life is that we do not usually receive immediately the full blessing for righteousness or the full cursing for wickedness.

I don't want children cursing. I'm very strict on my nieces and my little brother. They have to listen to clean versions of music. Even my music.

I played baseball in high school, and in some parallel universe, if I had not gone into filmmaking, I may have been the coach cursing at the kids.

To be honest, I used to hate shopping. I rarely left a store without crying, cursing my body, and swearing under my breath at the fashion industry.

Let me go to hell, that's all I ask, and go on cursing them there, and them look down and hear me, that might take some of the shine off their bliss.

The foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing is a vice so mean and low that every person of sense and character detests and despises it.

Sometimes I hear fans say that 'you should play for the emblem on the shirt.' I play for myself because after two inaccurate passes the fans are already cursing you.

I have healthy disagreements with political parties I'm not aligned with, but I don't think it should be to the point where we're cursing and trying to strangle each other.

Cursing is invoking the assistance of a spirit to help you inflict suffering. Swearing on the other hand, is invoking, only the witness of a spirit to an statement you wish to make.

Writers used to make such wonderful pictures without all that swearing, all that cursing. And now it seems that you can't say three words without cursing. And I don't think that's right.

Did you feel guilty cursing God--you, of all people?' No,' he said. 'Because even in doing so, I was recognizing there was a greater power than me.' He paused. And that is how I began to heal.

Being 'edgy' is not just cursing. There are some things socially that are just not acceptable to make fun of. Anything with race, they really won't let you do on TV unless it's completely soft.

Really appreciate the sunset as you're driving home, cursing all the terrible drivers on the road. Be where you are when you're there rather than out there in the future or back there in the past.

Cursing is highly effective in person - someone kicks his car in rage, forgetting he's wearing flip-flops, flames pour from his mouth, and it's impressive. But you see it in print, and it's just ugly.

I was on the school bus telling Richard Pryor jokes. I was sneaking, listening to Richard Pryor albums and would go to school the next day, tell all the jokes, and get in trouble because I was cursing.

People would say you look weak if you're not cursing the opposition and driving around in a big black car while always wearing a tie. Above all, to be 'strong' you're always supposed to be giving orders.

I feel, as I get older and now a father, I try to be a little more conscious of the things I would say and do. I try to be more creative as opposed to using a cheap word, cursing, or something vulgar to get a reaction.

My family would try and trick us and I would come to a party and she would be there. When I tell you the 'Love & Hip Hop' scene is nothing compared to what was happening with me and mom... throwing things at each other, the cursing, the words.

You've got to be one that, wherever you are, like a flower, you've got to blossom where you're planted. You cannot eliminate darkness. You cannot banish it by cursing darkness. The only way to get rid of darkness is light and to be the light yourself.

I wanted to write a book like a rapper would write it - I didn't want to hold back. Rappers catch a lot of slack; I'm not going to be cursing up a storm, but when I look at Nas... his first album is one of my favorites. I want to tell stories like that.

My father was into politics. After his death things got slow. We were meeting different parties and everywhere I heard people grumbling and cursing politics and the state of the nation. I made an effort and I am trying to fulfill my social responsibility.

I have lots of memories of staying at campsites in the West Country and France, of the Carpenters playing on the eight-track, and of my dad cursing under the broken-down VW camper van. I loved camping, but I wouldn't much fancy it now - I'm too old to rough it.

I don't look at certain things on TV anymore. I don't listen to certain music anymore. I make sure my kids don't listen to it. It's funny because back in the days I could look at comedy shows and all kind of stuff and you didn't even realize how much cursing it had in it.

As long as there are people in education making excuses for failure, cursing future generations with a culture of low expectations, denying children access to the best that has been thought and written, because Nemo and the Mister Men are more relevant, the battle needs to be joined.

For a time, I believed not in God nor Santa Claus, but in mermaids. They seemed as logical and possible to me as the brittle twig of a seahorse in the zoo aquarium or the skates lugged up on the lines of cursing Sunday fishermen - skates the shape of old pillowslips with the full, coy lips of women.

I never was in favor of doing this. No, no, no. I was never in favor of cursing on records and so forth. I wasn't brought up like that. But I needed to survive and make money and get me a piece of show business. So when I found I could hit with this, then I turned to it. And in order to turn to it, you must do it well.

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