My forte is awkwardness.

Hookers don't like to snuggle.

I call my balls the bush twins.

If you see something, say something.

My comfort zone is press conferences.

My real last name is Galifianakisburg.

I am going to be the next Ryan Gosling.

I'm Greek. My body produces feta cheese.

Tigers love pepper...they hate cinnamon.

I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack.

I haven't been hit since Leon Spinks hit me in '92.

The word abbreviation sure is long for what it means.

You know you're getting fat when your socks don't fit.

Have you seen that show on Lifetime about that woman...?

I would start a revolution, but I just bought a hammock.

Inappropriateness is funny to me. Rudeness is hilarious.

The other day, I got a henna tattoo that says "Forever."

I don't know what my assistant would do besides get me pot.

That show, 'The Amazing Race' - is that about white people?

I'm terrible at heights. I hate it. I'm glad I'm only 5'7".

I love playing a curmudgeon. I just love playing a sour guy.

Yesterday, I masturbated for 45 minutes... with salad tongs.

I've always wanted to have a Greek sitcom called Olive Lucy.

I like dark comedies. That's why I like the Wayans Brothers.

Reciting lines is hard; making stuff up is much, much easier.

Head gear, plus acne equals...table for one in the cafeteria.

I would have changed my last name if being famous were my goal.

American society loves to prop people up and then take them down.

I like characters that are fragile and a little bit on the edge .

I dream of moving to India, or Pakistan, and becoming a cabdriver.

I am not into publicity. I'm not good at it. I get anxiety about it.

The problem with these interviews is that there's no sarcastic font.

My father used to beat me with his belt...while it was still on him.

My New Year's resolution was to stop saying 'You go, girl' to myself.

You know it's time to do the laundry when you dry off with a sneaker.

I dream of starting a three-man country trio called the Chixie Dicks.

You write things that are of interest to you. There's no focus group.

My headshot is a scratch and sniff, it smells like failure and onions.

Do you ever do something, and then think to yourself: That's So Raven?

When a role seems fun it's easy to play. It kind of comes organically.

I think if they put a laugh track on 'Intervention,' it would be funny.

I do not have a helmet. But this is a wig, so it's a little protective.

I think comedy is a really, really good tool for trying to say something.

At what age do you think it's appropriate to tell a highway it's adopted?

When you look like I do its hard to get a table for one at Chucky Cheese.

I was just thinking how unfortunate it'd be to be a fat girl named Candy.

I think those neighborhood signs that say 'slow children playing' are mean.

I'll never forget my grandmother's last words. She said 'What are you doing?'

Privacy is big for me. To do interviews even, I have a very love/hate with it.

I wonder if in 2050 there will be a movie called, 'Dude, Where's My Spaceship'

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