He who defends everything defends nothing.

Ecuador is a country which defends the right to life.

Innocence is like polished armor; it adorns and defends.

A true teacher defends his students against his own personal influences.

When the opposition sits back and defends well and together, it's difficult.

This report, by its very length, defends itself against the risk of being read.

The so-called 'far right' defends the working class far more than the left does.

I'm not a person who defends myself very often. I kind of let my actions speak for me.

Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status.

A friend never defends a husband who gets his wife an electric skillet for her birthday.

The conservative is the one who understands his own society from within and loves and defends it.

The scientist rigorously defends his right to be ignorant of almost everything except his specialty.

Suspicion is one of the morbid reactions by which an organism defends itself and seeks another equilibrium.

The panda is a funny, lovable animal, which defends its territory well. It's strong but calm. It suits me perfectly.

I keep wondering who defends Quebec identity: who defends sovereignty, the right of the people to express themselves freely.

The Constitution defends all of us against unreasonable search and seizure. What constitutes reasonableness depends upon threat.

No matter what cause one defends, it will suffer permanent disgrace if one resorts to blind attacks on crowds of innocent people.

For example, computer defends well, but for humans its is harder to defend than attack, particularly with the modern time control.

For me, what makes Liverpool special is that they are a team that works very well on the lines, very compact, in which everyone attacks and defends.

Republicans constantly claim to be the party that defends the Constitution. We have no legitimate right to that claim until we get right on gay rights.

A true friend freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend unchangeably.

The same is the case with those opinions of man to which he has been accustomed from his youth; he likes them, defends them, and shuns the opposite views.

I am the candidate who defends the superiority of politics over the administration, the bureaucracy, the economy, and so I think it is politics which must decide.

I think a lot of people don't realize that our military that defends our freedoms abroad, when they come home to the military base, are not allowed to carry weapons.

A schedule defends from chaos and whim. It is a net for catching days. It is a scaffolding on which a worker can stand and labor with both hands at sections of time.

The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence. He inspires self-trust. He guides their eyes from himself to the spirit that quickens him. He will have no disciples.

A mother defends herself with a heart filled with love before doing so with words. I wonder whether there is any love for the church in the hearts of those who pay so much attention to the scandals.

Kieran Tierney's work rate is just amazing. He gives 100 percent in every game, he makes lots of runs and makes lots of assists too. He defends, he goes forward, he is every inch the modern left back.

I think the music defends myself. I don't think anyone should put a race on any genre. It's just a way of expressing yourself through instruments and sounds, right? People can just listen to the music.

I call Kawhi the best team player in the league. He really does everything: he defends. He scores. He has been grabbing huge rebounds. He is a leader. His competitive spirit to win rubs off on everybody.

When the state machinery defends criminals and the public prosecutors collude with the accused in certain cases and the victims are members of a particular community, then 'Justice to all' is empty rhetoric.

I have faced many, but the most annoying was James Milner. He follows you forward and follows you backwards. It's very difficult because he attacks you and defends you, and then attacks you and defends you again.

To me, it's a heroic attribute to be so committed to a principle that you apply it, not when it's easy, not when it supports your position, not when it protects people you like, but when it defends and protects people that you hate.

Nadal is just more at home on clay. It looks like he feels safer on clay courts. He can get to a few more balls, he can play a bit further behind the baseline when he defends, and he's also able to get the ball to bounce higher. It's unbelievable.

I'm an expert on how technology hijacks our psychological vulnerabilities. That's why I spent the last three years as a Design Ethicist at Google caring about how to design things in a way that defends a billion people's minds from getting hijacked.

In 2012, the Liberal Party affirmed overwhelmingly at the policy convention that we are a pro-choice party. It means that we are a party that defends women's rights, and therefore, it would be inconsistent for any Liberal MP to be able to vote to take away women's rights.

Kieran Tierney is a lot like Ashley Cole in the way that he bombs up and down the flanks and that he is also so physically strong. He plays every game as well. He is not the tallest but he is a fighter and he is strong. He crosses, gets back and defends. He is a very good player.

How any government could promote the Vardy academies in the North-East of England is absolutely beyond me. Tony Blair defends them on grounds of diversity, but it should be unthinkable in the 21st century to have a school whose head of science believes the world is less than 10,000 years old.

I think one of the most important changes of our time has been our attitude to fear. Every civilisation defends itself by keeping fears out and saying 'we protect you from fear'. But it also produces new fears and throughout history people have changed the kind of fears which have worried them.

When Trump defends Planned Parenthood as doing 'wonderful things,' he is condoning the organization. Even if Planned Parenthood didn't do abortions, none of these 'wonderful things' are worthy of taxpayer funding. But thanks to Trump, the lie of Planned Parenthood's heroism has been further proliferated.

The World Trade Organization is an organization that defends trade interests. I think the problem is less that they exist. The problem is that internationally we've only got an organization that protects trade interests. Surely we need some kind of counterweight to protect human rights and the environment, too.

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