The Department of Defense is a longtime partner of the Department of Homeland Security, and I thank them for their support.

In Los Angeles, the Police Department buys a 40-foot refrigerated trailer truck every six months just to hold DNA evidence.

The Department of Education should be disbanded and the resources either returned to the taxpayers or put into the schools.

One day I'd love to release a coffee table book of all the crazy notes I got from Disney Channel's S&P and legal department.

I am opposed to the privatization of the Veterans Affairs Department and will continue to make sure the VHA is fully funded.

I've never had a choice of which government department I would hold. I've always been assigned a department by the Taoiseach.

I always felt that I came up short in the education department, but I've come to the conclusion that we all get an education.

When I started in 1992, I really thought the 'Vogue' fashion department was one of the most frightening places on the planet.

Putting Michael Gove in charge of the Department of the Environment is much like putting a wolf in charge of the chicken coop.

In 1953, the idea of a single female police recruit to the New York City Police Department, let alone a handful, was big news.

Now it really is, believe it or not, 90% of the films are green lit, not by the studio heads, but by the marketing department.

The complaint of bad pay, and difficulty in obtaining it, is almost generally reiterated through every department of education.

I served as Attorney General John Ashcroft's chief adviser on immigration law at the U.S. Department of Justice during 2001-03.

In the Justice Department, responsibility for overseeing and directing investigations is lodged in the department's prosecutors.

It was better, he thought, to fail in attempting exquisite things than to succeed in the department of the utterly contemptible.

The conditions in the prisons operated by the Mississippi Department of Corrections are absolutely inhumane and unconstitutional.

Statutory authority to improve fuel economy has existed for 35 years at the Transportation Department, and it still exists today.

I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph.

I was never concretely aware of the extent of anti-Semitism in the United States and in the upper levels of the State Department.

There's so many interesting aspects of making a movie: the costume department, the set design, the casting itself, the locations.

It's really interesting because I'm a Quaker... so it's been radical to me to be hired by the Department of Defense under contract.

The next time some academics tell you how important diversity is, ask how many Republicans there are in their sociology department.

Let's hope Trump's State Department and USAID will follow open records laws and disclose the details of the Obama-Soros wellspring.

The U.S. State Department has a consistent record of error in the assessment of Asian situations and judging Red Chinese intentions.

I'm not going to let people who work in the United States Department of Justice have their characters be assailed without any basis.

The Antitrust Division of the United States Department of Justice should take a long, hard look at the standard publishing contract.

In some cases, Justice Department leaders can supervise investigations despite having personal knowledge about the entities involved.

Michael Chertoff and the Department of Homeland Security, they have the primary responsibility of ensuring that our ports are secure.

One of President Reagan's first and wisest initiatives was to effectively shutdown the anti-trust division of the Justice Department.

We have to be active about kindness and about peace. I've always fantasized that it would be great if there was a Department of Peace.

I worked as a clerical assistant at the Department of Health and Social Security for about three months before I went to drama school.

I joined Bell Laboratories at Crawford Hill in 1963 as part of A. B. Crawford's Radio Research department in R. Kompfner's laboratory.

It's a huge deal when you have got people of the Department of Justice and FBI making fundamental misrepresentations to the FISA court.

When I work with my art department on putting imagery together for my blog posts I always think, 'Would I pin this?' That really helps.

My first day as an intern in the books department at 'Cosmopolitan' also happened to be the day the O.J. Simpson verdict was announced.

Labor Day 2013 is special. This year marks the centennial of the U.S. Department of Labor - 100 years of working for America's workers.

Every officer can be assured: you have the unequivocal support of the Department of Justice. We have your back, and you have our thanks.

Believe it or not, I worked four summers in college as a sports writer covering baseball for a parks and rec department in Bayonne, N.J.

I like to call the Department of Labor the Department of Opportunity, and that means opportunity for everyone - no matter whom you love.

On 16 September 1985, when the Commerce Department announced that the United States had become a debtor nation, the American Empire died.

It is not for the State Department or even the Secretary of State to say when and how the resources of the American people will be spent.

Walmart markets its gun department as 'sports and outdoors,' but let us get one thing straight: They are not just selling hunting rifles.

I consider protecting all students, including LGBTQ students, not only a key priority for the Department, but for every school in America.

The last thing we need is yet another makeup company. Even I have a nervous breakdown when I go through the department store makeup floor.

Total borrowing has imploded. Private borrowing has collapsed. And, in effect, the Treasury Department is the last borrower left standing.

The great all-rounders were not considered part-timers in one particular department. They could turn games at any stage and on any surface.

Having been raised overseas, I wanted to become a diplomat. But the State Department thought I was too 'liberal' to be happy with that job.

What is Oracle? It's people. We rely on our HR department to build this organization, to help find those people, to help grow those people.

All school districts receive funds from the federal government, through the Department of Education, to support anti-drug education efforts.

Under Superintendent Johnson's leadership, our police department is on a path to earn the respect of every community in the City of Chicago.

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