We live in a description of reality.

I feel that I'm solid at description.

The description is not the described.

Pain is pain. It needs no description.

To me, self-description is a calamity.

Don't be limited by your job description.

The power we call God defies description.

Damn description, it is always disgusting.

Multiple descriptions are better than one.

What is your one-sentence job description?

My job description is... being enthusiastic.

The power of the rosary is beyond description.

One single glance will conquer all descriptions.

It is part of my job description to be offensive.

All descriptions of reality are temporary hypotheses.

Sisters ruin everything. It's in their job description.

The job description for a queen changes with the times.

There is a power in God's gospel beyond all description.

It's definitely part of my job description not to be too fat.

Do your job; be the best at whatever your job description is.

The world is out there, but descriptions of the world are not.

Most photographs, to me, are description, but they lack insight.

Voyeurism is a director's job description. It's an artist's, too.

But there was happiness elsewhere which no description can reach.

Amazon Web Services for payments is an apt description of Stripe.

Politicians, it's in their job description to just lie, every day.

Descriptions of my work depress me. They make me feel pinned down.

How can you run for president if you don't know the job description?

. . . a dirty exterior is a great enemy to beauty of all descriptions.

The observer cannot be left out of the description of the observation.

One cannot build a future based on the description of a criminal past.

We defend ourselves by descriptions and tame the world by generalizing.

Description is what makes the reader a sensory participant in the story.

A skilled worker, regardless of the job description, remains a treasure.

Alphas simply did not grovel; arrogance was part of the job description.

There was a time when "sound as a dollar" was a description, not a joke.

Even in the midst of love-making, writers are working on the description.

My description of a bad manager is, 'Be good, but don't be better than me.'

The word actress has always seemed less a job description to me than a title.

Every word, every image used for God is a distortion more than a description.

A singer is someone who puts out an album. That's a very generous description.

It would never occur to me not to look dreadful if that's the job description.

For a sorcerer, reality, or the world as we all know it, is only a description.

Science is the description of phenomena and the formulation of their relations.

I regret very much that I have painted a picture that requires any description.

Scripts that make characters a two-sentence description, I'm not interested in.

We must do away with all explanation, and description alone must take its place.

I'll order anything that has the word 'fig' or 'crusted' in the menu description.

For better or worse, I've been involved in the description of political conflict.

Being a caregiver for your child is part of the job description of being a mammal.

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