There's so many different kinds of beauty.

I listen to a lot of different kinds of music.

I have always enjoyed different kinds of music.

There are different kinds of people in the world.

I love to travel to hear different kinds of music.

I like to experience all different kinds of foods.

I've always liked a lot of different kinds of music.

To experiment different kinds of roles always works well.

I started in improv and went into different kinds of things.

I'm open to different kinds of roles, characters and genres.

I would say I was lucky that I got different kinds of roles.

When I go to the cinema I watch all different kinds of films.

I'm very lucky my parents were into different kinds of music.

While there's time left, I want to do different kinds of things.

Don't be surprised if you all see me in different kinds of cinema.

As a character actor, you go out for all different kinds of things.

There is a different kind of vulnerability when a woman is directing

People have all different kinds of marriages. Whatever works for you.

I wanted to explore the connections between different kinds of music.

I'm all for a good slow song and I love all different kinds of music.

I like representing different kinds of black people - showing they exist.

That is the fun of being an actor. You play all different kinds of people.

We are going to find, I think, several different kinds of Crohn's disease.

There is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.

I like a lot of different kinds of music. I like strong projects, big music.

No one knows who the real me is, so I can be a hundred different kinds of me.

I'm a very social person, and I like being in different kinds of environments.

They're different kinds of challenges depending upon what phase of life I'm in.

My main interest is in trying to find radically different kinds of neural nets.

In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.

Theater and film are essentially the same - just different kinds of storytelling.

There's just as many different kinds of feminism as there are women in the world.

I think that everybody likes different kinds of music, and that's absolutely fine.

I like writing all different kinds of songs. I've wanted to run the gamut of artists.

I have been quite lucky as an actor to have managed to play different kinds of roles.

I want to do different kinds of roles, and films that make a difference to my career.

In the States, you have a little bit of freedom to audition for different kinds of roles.

You learn to read the audiences after a while, and there are all different kinds of gigs.

I grew up watching different kinds of shows and films and read so many different authors.

Jazz music by its very nature is just a conglomerate of a lot of different kinds of music.

I have an uncomfortable groove, 'cause I have a lot of different kinds of stories to tell.

I actually feel that the different kinds of stories come out of different parts of my brain.

How can anyone govern a nation that has two hundred and forty-six different kinds of cheese?

I find myself eating different kinds of chicken each and every day, even if it's by surprise.

I was able to make many different kinds of movies. They enriched me on many different levels.

I listen to a lot of different kinds of music and at the moment I listen a lot to house music.

I'd like to consider myself a versatile skater and I like to skate to different kinds of music.

I often get mistaken for all different kinds of ages; some of them flattering, some of them not.

I like so many different kinds of music just because all I did was listen to the radio as a kid.

I've done all different kinds of genres - doo-wop, pop, funk, gospel, country, jazz, you name it.

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