I'm living a very different life than the one I thought I'd be living.

I love fiction's ability to allow me to inhabit a wholly different life.

Comedy, if it didn't save my life, certainly gave me a very different life.

I came to politics later in life so I bring a different life experience to it.

You want people with different life experiences as a backstop against bad decision.

I just find it fascinating, like everybody, to be in a different life. It's an escape.

A sister is like yourself in a different movie, a movie that stars you in a different life.

If you want to run, run a mile. If you want to experience a different life, run a marathon.

I've got a different life. I live up on a farm; I don't have anything to do with social media.

For me, architecture is the means, not the end. It's a means of making different life forms possible.

I wouldn't like to be in movies. Movie people are strange. They live a different life than musicians do.

Everyone has a different life story. Things happen rapidly for someone, and things move slowly for others.

Me wanting a gang member to have a different life would never be the same as that gang member wanting to have one.

I don't really believe in regret. I think you can always learn from the past, but I wouldn't want a different life.

I certainly lead a different life from many people. I have a great life that I am thankful for, and I like travelling.

You know, I auditioned for 'Titanic.' Sometimes I muse on what would have happened. That would have been such a different life.

The challenge is always in portraying characters who've led a very different life from your's as you get to work on the character.

I can understand how you can feel very lucky about the kind of life you live but also intrigued and magnetized to a different life.

I love teaching creative writing, and I think I'm good at it, but in a different life, I could have been teaching elementary school.

Most farmers know that their children's future will probably not be in agriculture, but they have a hard time imagining a different life.

I turned the Gloucester Christmas lights on and our local Newent lights on, so everyone recognises me now. It is a completely different life for me.

I think our kids live an extraordinarily different life than what I lived growing up. Pretty much everything about their life is different than mine was.

I don't regret doing 'The Living Daylights'. If I hadn't done Bond, I wouldn't have been in America doing my series, and I would have had a different life.

I'm no less focused than any of my peers. They live a different life. They go home; they are not pictured at events. I train just as much as them, maybe more.

Everyone has their own different life experiences which make them who they are. No two people's life experiences are the same. And mine are just unique to me.

Players live a different life. They've been blessed. They live in a bubble and they live in a world where they get everything really. They've become film stars.

No one is the same, and we all have different life experiences. It's not my place to judge them or for them to judge me. We should all be accountable for our own lives.

I wanted to live the life, a different life. I didn't want to go to the same place every day and see the same people and do the same job. I wanted interesting challenges.

It's the same as any role and I find that you can't lump characters together; because they all have different life experiences, different reasons for being the way they are.

I was blown away watching Michael Keaton act because he was such a maniacal, evil person on set. He takes on a totally different life, and it was so amazing to watch him work.

I've had a lot of different lives. I was adopted, I grew up in Nebraska, and then I went to Northwestern... Then I had this really extraordinary, different life than my parents.

No matter what job you do, we all have a much different life than our parents had. My parents' generation had one job and then they retired. Now, people have many different jobs.

News channels have always had interview shows, but we need different kinds of interviews with different kinds of interviewers - interviewers who bring different life experiences to the table.

I got tired of Los Angeles, and I got tired of the game a bit. I wanted to have a different life experience, so I moved to England, and I lived in England for eight years, and I worked there.

I always identified with that feeling of being an underdog. So I always was looking to connect with and meet people from other cultures, to experience people living a different life that I am.

Perhaps genes did regulate the aging process. Perhaps different organisms had different life spans because a universal regulatory 'clock' was set to run at different speeds in different species.

The thing is, I grew up in L.A., so I had this unique opportunity to live in both communist Russia and see that life, and then move to America as a young girl and experience a completely different life.

One of the things that is devastating is I realise I haven't been living a different life than when I was, like, 12. I'm shocked at how reclusive I've been since then. I was unaware of it until recently.

In one sense, what happens for me outside of cricket gives me that break - the farming means I have a really different life outside of cricket; it's not just cricket, cricket, cricket for 12 months of the year.

I worked on minimum wage; I didn't go to college out of school. I worked multiple jobs, and it's probably not something Sen. Hagan's not had to worry about because we grew up in very different life circumstances.

The process of composing the film score for each movie is completely different. They all have their own personality and their own completely different life, but there's never been a formula. Each time, it's a new thing.

I miss the early days; I do. I was so lucky. I basically had it to myself, learning about these chimpanzees. Nobody knew anything about them. Discovering their different personalities, different life histories. I was lucky.

When I was seven months pregnant with my son, my mother and I took a trip to El Salvador, where she's from. Frequent visits with her to see my extended family have taught me how different life can be if you are born into poverty.

The coral that grows at the edge of the reef is always the strongest and most colourful because it faces the greatest battering. It's the same if you're called Honeysuckle. I'd have had a totally different life if I'd been called Mary.

Salvation is by repentance and faith, and if you have truly believed unto salvation, you have been regenerated, which means you have become a new creature, and you are going to live a different life. And so works do not result in salvation.

Every person my size has a different life, a different history. Different ways of dealing with it. Just because I'm seemingly O.K. with it, I can't preach how to be O.K. with it. I don't think I still am O.K. with it. There's days when I'm not.

I live a very different life now, with incredible privileges, but looking back I realise that growing up in Russia gave me tools that other people don't necessarily have - such as the will to push that bit further, to make things happen, to succeed.

Ultimately we have the vision of expanding to a world wide platform that allows kids from the U.S. to go on field trips to China and adults around the world to make friends from different walks of life and people who have different life experiences.

I started out doing commercials, like Diet Coke and Pizza Hut. And I started to find there was a different life for me, in a different field. From there, I got a call from a director in Italy, and we did 'Indio' I and II, and that's where it started.

I thought I wanted to go to drama school or university, and that would have been a completely different life. But what got me was the sound, and hearing it. Hearing everything so loud, I loved that back in the studio. I loved that from the very beginning.

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