I dive as much as I can.

I dive fearless into things.

I'd love to dive into a comedy.

Once I dive in, I dive in all the way.

I don't dive. I'm not a player who dives.

Dive on them and squash them if you must.

I'll live a lush life in some small dive.

I'm a serial monogamist - I tend to dive in.

I would like to dive in Vietnam and Cambodia.

I sail, scuba dive, play football, basketball.

He who would search for pearls must dive below.

When something really grabs me, I dive into it.

I got my start in small dive bars in New Orleans.

I don't like to really dive too deep into politics.

My favourite thing to do on this planet is to scuba dive.

I quit 'Splash!' because I couldn't dive off a 3 m. board.

People saying I dive doesn't affect me at all. Not one bit.

Whenever I have a few hours to dive into a book, I am happy.

If you ever get a chance to learn how to scuba dive, go do it.

I ski, I surf, I scuba dive... any sport that starts with an 's.'

I had a few stocks, but stocks took a dive. I never sell my stocks.

I want to do a lot of different things and dive into different worlds.

You have to just dive over the edge. You haven't got time to mess about.

If he was lost for a moment, he would dive straight back into its honey.

The more I spend at one position, the more I can dive into those details.

People need to understand that if I dive, it's because I know I can dive.

I want to get in there and jump in the stands and dive for every loose ball.

I learned how to scuba dive, which is something that I've always wanted to do.

I try to swim every damn day I can, and I've learned to scuba dive and snorkel.

Do your homework. Find your voice. Be authentic. And then dive in with purpose.

The lake at Neverland is right in the very front, and you just want to dive in.

Actors who say they can dive inside a character are either schizophrenic or lying.

I always wanted to scuba dive. I used to scuba dive undercover like black Aquaman.

The pool table, like bathroom graffiti and horrible lighting, is a dive bar staple.

If pop culture is a pool, it never hurts to dive into the deep end once in a while.

I'm part-time vegan. I try to be vegan when I can. But I dip and dive in everywhere.

Dive bars rely on a steady stream of neighborhood regulars to keep their doors open.

I love when I dive into lyrics that give me human complexity and intricate narrative.

I don't flip. I don't even dive into a pool - straight cannonball for me. No, thanks.

I find it somewhat liberating to jump, to dive into things that are the opposite of me.

I learned to walk on my own legs, to dive so deeply into a role to forget that I'm acting.

You have to be able to deep dive and know your stuff, otherwise you'll get called out on it.

I'm a person with a lot of affection for adventure - I scuba dive, skydive, fly helicopters.

This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can't see how deep it is.

I go down to the dive bar around the corner when I go out. I don't go to the showbiz parties.

I can do the little things, play defense, dive on the floor to get loose balls, things like that.

If there's a loose ball, I'm going to dive and see if I can get it. That's just the way you play.

While I can always use a break from the gym, I like to swim and dive to keep myself feeling good.

I'm obsessed with great white sharks. And I want to dive into the coral of the Great Barrier Reef.

It turns out, the bikers and the truckers and people in dive bars are the nicest people in the world.

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