I dominated Michael Bisping.

Washington is dominated by big money.

I believe in God, but I'm not dominated by it.

We live in a world dominated by fear and paranoia.

The Manchester music scene was very male dominated.

For as long as I remember, big men have dominated the NBA.

Yes, the upper reaches of society are still dominated by men.

My early years as a political activist were dominated by the poll tax.

The reality is that far-right extremism is no longer dominated by loners.

Yet through history gays have always dominated religious life and churches.

I've had quite a few plays where I've just dominated the guy across from me.

Domination delegates the physical violence on which it rests to the dominated.

As a medium, film has great potential, but its use is dominated by big capital.

For one, thing, the media are dominated by the irreligious. So are universities.

The brewing industry is a very, very male dominated industry. It's a male bastion.

I am dominated by one thing, an irresistible, burning attraction towards the abstract.

You can't allow your creative sessions to be dominated by miniscule editing processes.

Nine Inch Nails' sound is dominated by clanging synths and sardonic, shrieking vocals.

I dominated the underground and then I dominated the overground, and I did that on my own.

Theatre is an exclusive place that tends to be dominated by white men, or dying white men.

I was the X-Division champion and competing against guys mostly my size, and I dominated them.

We can't be dominated by ruthless terrorism and the American principle is that we never will be.

Radio is being dominated by records that are 120 beats per minute. R&B is about groove and soul.

Parliament's centuries of history have been overwhelmingly dominated by men, but things are changing.

I'm not finding fault or blaming the industry, but the heroes have always dominated the film industry.

When Mohammed Rafi was not an active playback singer, Kishore Kumar dominated the scene and vice-versa.

Society is patriarchal, so film industry by definition is certainly patriarchal. The male gaze dominated.

The world is shifting from a hegemonic era, where the United States dominated alone, to a multipolar system.

The Indian music scene is completely dominated by Bollywood music. We need to create space for indi-pop music.

Romantic fiction is the only purely feminine art form. All other art forms were shaped and are dominated by men.

I am a typical Telugu boy dominated by all the qualities of a Hyderabadi because I was born and brought up here.

They want younger girls, not old ones like me, as heroines. This is the tragedy of Bollywood. It is male dominated.

On both sides of the Atlantic, politics has come to be dominated by vitriolic name-calling and pervasive dishonesty.

All history has been a history of class struggles between dominated classes at various stages of social development.

My desire for the part of Mammy was not dominated by selfishness for Hollywood has been good to me and I am grateful.

It's not easy to convey to someone who doesn't read comics just how Alan Moore has dominated the field since 'Watchmen.'

There's four biggies. There was Elizabeth I, George III, Victoria, and the current queen, who really dominated four eras.

I grew up at a time when West Indies dominated the world. For 15 years from 1980, the West Indies never lost a Test series.

What I hope is that politics shouldn't be dominated by the pro-Chinese elite; it should be related to everyone's daily life.

The music industry is dominated by guys. I work with men 98 percent of the time - producers, arrangers, musicians, engineers.

The sports apparel industry was dominated by the big shoe companies. But there was a void in apparel and I decided to fill it.

We are living in dystopia, in a world that is dominated by technology and disconnect, alienation, loneliness, and dysfunction.

Modern football is increasingly dominated by the coaches - their narcissism to put themselves above the team and their players.

India Conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border.

All my life had been dominated by a sign, often invisible but no less real for that, which said: 'Reserved for Europeans Only.'

Sometimes films have no rehearsals - you don't have real rehearsals on the set because the day is so dominated by the schedule.

I have an addictive personality. Boarding school merely sent me more quickly on the downward spiral that dominated my childhood.

Wealth today has been created by a world view dominated by fast-moving networks, open information, bottom-up entrepreneurialism.

I'm proud to say I had a bet with a guy from Chicago who said Chicago is windier and colder than Wyoming. Wyoming dominated them.

When you work in film sets, when you're working on projects that are male dominated, you are always treated as the last priority.

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