Activity without purpose is the drain of your life

Daylight reveals color; artificial light drains it.

Agendas tend to drain the life out of relationships.

For intellect is a mansion where waste is without drain.

We will build a great wall. We are going to drain the swamp.

It is an appalling thing to feel all one possesses drain away.

There's that 15 quid we put on One Direction to win down the drain.

Being out in that heat for two weeks definitely drains your energy.

It's not sipping wine. It's a mourning wine. You drain it. Like this.

Avoiding things that drain you is more important than gaining energy.

An unfulfilled vocation drains the color from a man's entire existence.

Some people in the utility industry have called it 'circling the drain'

All that prosthetic makeup drains you. By the time it's lunch, you're done.

The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain.

Anyone we come in contact with, we either offer them life, or we drain them.

Hold us accountable. There's no accountability in Washington. Drain the swamp.

Rationality went down the drain donkey's years ago and hasn't been seen since.

Never eat food that drains you of energy; eat food that makes you feel awesome.

Being around lots of people drains me, and alone time is essential to my well-being.

Every empire has to get sucked down the drain. As a British person, I know how it feels.

It is silly to drain others; for when you drain others, you also pick up their vibratory force.

The physical effort of reading drains some of the pleasure I might take from whatever I'm reading.

Many of us think that compassion drains us, but I promise you it is something that truly enlivens us.

I have already settled it for myself so flattery and criticism go down the same drain and I am quite free.

You know what you are getting into, but being out in that heat for two weeks definitely drains your energy.

People can say the media stuff drains you and everything, but you set everything up accordingly to the schedule.

My personal life absolutely goes down the drain when I start working; that's something that I'm incapable of doing.

Do not breathing in the chronological, do not dream of the later, drain the intellect on the bring about twinkling.

I've got life for a subject because as life starts to drain away, you start seeing very clearly what life is, for the first time.

When you make the biggest film in the history of Bollywood, 'Ra.One,' and get so much flak, it drains you... haunts you for years.

A pro at Bayern doesn't merely have to play football; he has a range of other appointments on behalf of the club. It all drains your energy.

Inordinate desire for material possessions can become an obsession that consumes our thoughts, drains our resources, and leads to unhappiness.

Some families sell their stocks off a little bit at a time to live high, and then - boom - somebody takes them over, and it all goes down the drain.

The brutality of apartheid drains you of that emotion of fear if you have gone through everything you can be put through in the process of harassment.

We've actually got a Chelsea loan WhatsApp group. The loan department set it up. Sometimes it drains your battery when everyone is messaging each other.

We all know we're going to die. We're all circling the drain. Some of us are closer than others. I'm 90, I know I'm closer to the drain than most people.

The only people who can really drain your power effectively are people you are very close to, you are open to, you love, or people you are afraid of, you fear.

One of the very best ways to keep in touch with your own ups and downs is to keep track of what activities energize you and which drain you - on a regular basis.

As a kid, my favorite adventures were to skip school and go into the sewage drains and talk to the turtles and open up packs of Topps Stadium Club baseball cards.

Boilersuits are used by everybody from pilots in the army to racing drivers to people who clean your drains. The one piece overall is what all males secretly desire.

The market is ridiculously overcrowded with early stage investors. This results in a talent drain, where the best talent gets diffused and work for their own startups.

It's so important to realize that every time you get upset, it drains your emotional energy. Losing your cool makes you tired. Getting angry a lot messes with your health.

Acting is a psychological profession, and every character drains you emotionally, regardless of whether it is an intense art house movie or a light-hearted commercial series.

Since I come from a television background, that has been my school of thought from the beginning, but what TV does to you is it drains you out because you are just working every day.

If we don't find a way to keep women in the workforce, keep them productive, keep them happy, we are literally just throwing our investment down the drain, and we can't afford to do that.

During the 1970s and 1980s, Congress distributed more than $60 billion to cities to make sure that what goes into toilets, industrial drains and street grates would not endanger human health.

Forty percent of the United States drains into the Mississippi. It's agriculture. It's golf courses. It's domestic runoff from our lawns and roads. Ultimately, where does it go? Downstream into the gulf.

'Did our parents really let us do that?' is a game my friends and I sometimes play. We remember taking off on bikes alone, playing in the woods for hours, crawling through storm drains to follow creek beds.

Maybe some people may have thought or imagined that Islam drains all creativity. In fact, when you look at history, you discover that the golden age of Spain is what actually produced what we call the guitar.

Wasting brain power ruminating about things you can't control drains mental energy quickly. The more you think about problems you can't solve, the less energy you'll have leftover for more productive endeavors.

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