I just don't think I can write someone drastically younger than me.

When you get to play with the big boys, your game improves drastically.

I'm so drastically independent; I don't tend to flourish in relationships.

No consumer product improves more drastically, year after year, than the computer.

Any time you work for Aaron Sorkin, your life as an actor is drastically improved.

I have changed drastically because I allow myself to not just grieve and feel down.

With transparency in renewables, the prices of renewables are coming down drastically.

Becoming a parent changed my life drastically and left me little time for leisure reading.

Everybody's constantly being destroyed and rebuilding themselves, some more drastically than others.

Just and equal society could be made by drastically improving the condition of India's public schools.

Personally, I don't like Botox or fillers because I think it drastically changes the shape of your face.

I stopped smoking. When I stopped smoking, my voice changed... so drastically, I couldn't believe it myself.

I think parenthood does change your priorities quite drastically in an incredibly good way - most of the time.

I wanted to write about this tropical honeymoon in part because I had the most drastically terrible honeymoon.

It is important to launch a mass and society-wide struggle to drastically increase the production of consumer goods.

It's neither appropriate nor responsible if I drastically amend a policy after one, two, or three submissions of opinion.

I think it's fascinating that clothes can drastically transform someone's mood or the way they feel about their appearance.

We have to overcome the practice of male domination - even though it's changing, and changing in Liberia quite drastically.

Augmenting your appearance so drastically that it elicits a reaction from literally every acquaintance you greet is a sea change.

I would drastically revise much of the Dodd-Frank financial-reform legislation, which I call the 'Bureaucrat Full Employment Act.'

Players don't change drastically. Maybe they get more in form if they're a goal scorer, or they get healthier if they've been injured.

Words do not change their meanings so drastically in the course of centuries as, in our minds, names do in the course of a year or two.

I obviously preferred the analyst role to the sideline role because your opportunity to impact the broadcast was drastically different.

Sketch shows change gears so drastically every two minutes. I think sketch shows are for sketch fans; they're not really for everybody.

I came from a seedha-saadha middle class family in Mumbai. The Infosys story changed our life drastically but we have remained the same.

I have stage combat training from college, which is drastically different than fighting for the screen, but I do enjoy that kind of stuff.

Qwiki is a game changer. The team has succeeded in creating an entirely new media format that will drastically improve the web experience.

Research has shown that the availability of mental health care prior, during, and after imprisonment reduces violent offending drastically.

If you do an interview in 1960, something it's bound to change by the year 2000. And if it doesn't, then there's something drastically wrong.

Chronic deficits drastically reduce government's ability to make those infrastructure investments that business needs to grow and create jobs.

If Japanese companies don't reform drastically and implement English as their daily business language, the economy will only continue to contract.

Our kids have to understand that drinking underage is a poor decision that could drastically affect their chances to achieve the goals they've set.

If you look at my body of work, my characters drastically vary, and so I typically don't play the same role. It makes me feel reborn with each role.

We do prioritize addressing MDR-TB. We have done that for more than 20 years; that's why we've been able to drastically reduce U.S. cases of MDR-TB.

As policy makers, Congress has the power to promote public policies that economically empower single parents and drastically reduce childhood poverty.

The Missourians I hear from just don't buy the idea that the only way to tackle the national debt is to drastically alter Medicare and Social Security.

Rick Rubin is super intriguing to me because he has become this god producer in completely drastically different genres, which very few people have done.

Today, the scope for variety has shrunk drastically. There are only a handful of topnotch composers like A. R. Rahman, Anu Malik, Jatin-Lalit... that's it.

Everything in my music has always been emotionally and spiritually motivated... But after I started doing yoga, the place where I came from changed drastically.

Those who buy in to global warming wish to drastically curb human economic and industrial activities, regardless of the consequences for people, especially the poor.

It's a frustrating game because the situations so drastically change at different times over the course of the week, the game, the season. It feels like brain surgery at times.

But I can say that the business has changed drastically since I started at 8 years old. Everything from the way you tour to how you make a record and how you release the music.

I think even when homeowners love their room, it's still a shock, because you left your house, went to sleep, came home and your room was dramatically and drastically different.

I was stuck with the dark glasses. They took all these pictures that went around the world. I guess once you become successful, you don't want to change anything too drastically.

Each political party in America contains people with a hodgepodge of beliefs. Their given positions on a topic may shift slightly - or drastically - from year to year or day to day.

It was important to have a similar energy in my performance. To make the character too different would have just been about my ego because it didn't need to be drastically different.

Environmental quality was drastically improved while economic activity grew by the simple expedient of removing lead from gasoline - which prevented it from entering the environment.

The same song can have drastically different feels and personalities just by changing some minor things. A different drumbeat or some vocal overdub could completely transform the song.

I love all Daphne du Maurier's stuff. And just enjoying period dramas, really... wanting to do something drastically different from 'Nighty Night', the chance to write very different language.

Coming from 'V' into 'Homeland' was a really big change and the best gift as an actor you can get - which is to transform so drastically from one genre to the next, from lizard to human being!

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