Nice dress you're almost wearing. You ever think about changing professions?" -Ranger

Get to know the real you, rather than try to look like or dress like those around you.

I only assumed those dresses were costumes, based on the garish nature of the plumage.

Humor is important in everything. Dress with a little humor and you can go a long way.

I can see her lying back in her faded dress in a room where do what you don't confess.

My personal style and public style are very different. When I go out, I play dress up.

I'm not interested in celebrities, with their free dresses. I'm interested in clothes.

There is no more alluring airspace in the world than the slit up a China girl's dress.

No real lady would let a dress that might have been worn by a stranger touch her skin.

Sleep is uncanny, I have always found it so, a nightly dress-rehearsal for being dead.

Women are more sure of themselves today. They don't have to emulate the way men dress.

I like when a girl knows what she looks like and dresses to accentuate those features.

Greek dress was in its essence inartistic. Nothing should reveal the body but the body.

I didn't try and do fashion pictures. I tried to do portraits of girls wearing dresses.

Miss Brooke had that kind of beauty which seems to be thrown into relief by poor dress.

Instead of going to the gym, I dress in black - a lot more practical and much more fun.

Most of my wardrobe is vintage, and I've worn dresses to the Oscars that I got for $10.

I mean, a new dress doesn't get you anywhere; it's the life you're living in the dress.

The soul was not cured, it was as full as a clothes closet of dresses that did not fit.

What is up with this Ashley Purdy day tomorrow,I see? Do I need to dress up as myself?!

I actually have a stash of wigs for Halloween. But only for that. Not to play dress-up.

Sometimes you want to dress a certain way... that doesn't always reflect your pedigree.

I'd rather have a girl exposed to me than 25 women in prom dresses vying for a stranger.

I'm a T-shirts, sweatpants and jeans kind of gal, I dress really simply and comfortably.

One favourite find of mine has to be a 1980s black dinner jacket that I wear as a dress.

I love talking about clothes with women; it's like a code because women dress for women.

Being married is kind of like being a Ken-doll; you don't get to dress yourself anymore.

Moral severity in women is only a dress or paint which they use to set off their beauty.

If a guy can't handle you in sweatpants, than he doesn't deserve you in a wedding dress.

I'd rather kill myself than dress like Victoria Beckham in towering heels day after day.

I dress for the image. Not for myself, not for the public, not for fashion, not for men.

There's no need to dress like everyone else. It's much more fun to create your own look.

Pour me another tequila, I'm going to put on your red satin dress. You put on my clothes.

Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.

Neither sleet nor rain nor a half inch of snow will compel me to dress like a lumberjack.

The dress must follow the body of a woman, not the body following the shape of the dress.

Up until I was 12 my sisters used to dress me up as a girl and introduce me as 'Claudia'!

My team puts forward a selection of dresses, and I choose the one I feel most natural in.

I'm not ashamed to dress "like a woman" because I don't think it's shameful to be a woman.

When I'm scrambling between dress and air, there are people I like more than other people.

Often, the human animal dresses terror in rage, and expresses both in a way unlike either.

I'm just a bleeping maniac in straight clothing. There's no reason to dress my monster up.

Dressage is when you put a dress on your horse. It's like putting on drag, but for horses.

I just look like a transvestite when I try to dress up. There's no place to hide my balls.

I love maxi dresses, I feel so great when I put on a maxi dress, big earrings and sandals.

When I dress up, I have to have a lot of help. I was in a T-shirt until a few minutes ago.

As far as I'm concerned playing 'Dress Up' begins at the age of five, and never truly ends.

A saleslady holds up an ugly dress and says, 'This looks much better on.' On what? On fire?

You might be a redneck if you've ever worn a dress that is strapless with a bra that isn't.

I grew up very insecure. From the time I was little I used to hide under my mother's dress.

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