My tastes are eclectic.

I have very eclectic tastes.

I'm a really eclectic reader.

I'm quite an eclectic musician.

Well, I've always been eclectic.

Musically, my palette is eclectic.

I've always been kind of eclectic.

I need eclectic people in my life.

I'm certainly eclectic in my writing.

We all listen to a lot of eclectic things.

I know my style of music is very eclectic.

I don't have very eclectic tastes in music.

My design philosophy has always been eclectic.

I'm a man of eclectic and wide and broad taste.

I would describe my personal style as eclectic.

I have eclectic tastes in the movies I want to do.

I have a very eclectic taste when it comes to music.

My taste in music and entertainment is quite eclectic.

I love different eclectic bands. I love Phoenix and Kimber.

My tastes lean toward the more negative, angry and eclectic.

I think being eclectic is bad when you're just starting out.

Ive always seen myself as sort of this funky, eclectic artist.

I think Bengali women have the most eclectic sense of dressing.

I've always seen myself as sort of this funky, eclectic artist.

I think that British girls have a very eclectic and unique style.

My style is very eclectic, definitely more '60s and '70s inspired.

My first album was very eclectic and very soft as a vocal expression.

Now we have an audience that is so very eclectic. Big, tremendous fans.

I'm such an eclectic mix of things, but I definitely have an edgy style.

New York has the biggest, most eclectic collection of people in the world.

I have an eclectic pallet of music that I listen to. It depends on my mood.

I have a real eclectic taste for work, for movies, for characters and jobs.

My tastes and inspirational artists were always rather eclectic and diverse.

My personal style is very eclectic. I like graphic shapes and multiple layers.

I love strange things; my favorite movies are weird, eclectic, and intriguing.

The works we do in Moooi are very diverse, very eclectic. That's how we like it.

Eclectic yet classic with a playful bohemian twist is how I'd describe my style.

I have such an eclectic taste. I like listening to classical music and pop music.

I really love clothes, but I think I have a style of my own which is quite eclectic.

Musicians are always eclectic. Musicians are always curious and hungry for new things.

In other words, I have no truck for anyone who goes out and does an eclectic building.

I have eclectic taste, and I love vintage style mixed with glamour and old world charm.

I have got quite an eclectic taste in TV so I would like to bring back 'The Young Ones.'

All my movies are difficult to classify because they are very eclectic in mixing genres.

The only sort of descriptive adjective or catch phrase for my music would be 'eclectic.'

My thoughts can sometimes be spurred by what I read, but my reading is extremely eclectic.

These days and times you can't do eclectic records. In the '60s you could, but not anymore.

Well, I tried to get a record deal in 1966 or '67, and everyone thought I was too eclectic.

I'm very eclectic in my music tastes - anything from Nina Simone to Beethoven to Talvin Singh.

I mean I think that Blondie's influence is a little bit in a way more eclectic than those bands.

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