I wanted to be an editor or a journalist, I wasn't really interested ...

I wanted to be an editor or a journalist, I wasn't really interested in being an entrepreneur, but I soon found I had to become an entrepreneur in order to keep my magazine going.

Everybody needs an editor.

Movies are an editor's medium.

A good novel editor is invisible.

Andrea Schulz became my editor in 2009.

I tend to overwrite; I need a good editor.

Not too many people know who the editor is.

A very good editor is almost a collaborator.

As an editor, I have to be tactful, of course.

My aspiration was always to be a fashion editor.

I leave my editor to put the periods and commas in.

I was spoiled by theater, where there is no editor.

I'm totally against the idea of a celebrity editor.

I'm a big fan of political editor Allegra Stratton.

Jonathan Demme is a very sharp editor of his movies.

I started out working as a script editor and storyliner.

I like being an editor, and I know how to make a magazine.

My wife is my in-home editor and reads everything I write.

You've got to be an editor in order to be a good composer.

There was a part of me that always wanted to be an editor.

My only claim to fame, if I have one, is that I'm an editor.

My daughter writes and is the editor of her school magazine.

Being editor of WikiLeaks was always a pretty difficult job.

In the mid-2000s, I kind of accidentally became a music editor.

I think about my editor when I write. She's a good friend, too.

Dullness is the only crime for which an editor ought to be hung.

The smartest thing a filmmaker can do is to become a good editor.

The great film editor is not a cutter, he's a storyteller, right?

I wanted to be my own editor, and by 'editor,' I mean unedited-or.

I always figured that I was one new editor away from unemployment.

You have to live and breathe Scotland if you're 'Scotsman' editor.

I miss particularly the managing editor role on the 'Evening News.'

I probably don't conform to most people's idea of a fashion editor.

It's impossible for an editor to know every source for every story.

I loved editing, and being a cookbook editor is a really a great job.

An editor does not just join shots. He creates emotions out of the shots.

It's part of your job always as an editor: you always have to drop stuff.

I had always loved to write and my mom was my editor for my school papers.

Of course a magazine is shaped by its editor, and each editor is different.

I believe an editor's job is to help a writer sound like himself or herself.

My dad was an editor and a writer, and that's actually what I aspired to be.

As the editor at the Village Voice, I always tried to find writers of colour.

As someone who's been a filmmaker and an editor, I was wary of being on camera.

I think one of the interesting things is that vi is really a mode-based editor.

I'm just loving BlueGriffon Editor! XML, HTML5, CSS, ARIA, SVGEdit all built in.

After university, I got a job sub-editing and for years I was a literary editor.

I have been blessed to have the same editor and work for a great publishing house.

Writers have to put up with this editor thing; it is ageless and eternal and wrong.

The relationship between a director and an editor in documentaries is so important.

After writing each novel, I would spend days poring over suggestions from my editor.

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