The trouble with women? Elbows.

I'm definitely an elbow-room guy.

Temptation: the fiend at my elbow.

Oh, I'd never put my elbows on the table.

I'm not going to let Kobe throw elbows at me.

Don't put a lump of rock under my elbow again!

Diseases of the eye are to bee cured with the elbow.

I don't know my armpit from my elbow in Los Angeles.

Keep your elbows soft. Keep your elbows looking fine.

The only parts left of my original body are my elbows.

I'm a solitary sort, I get chaffed by too many elbows.

I actually had the urge to elbow an elderly lady today.

My elbows are double-jointed, so I can flip them inside out.

The moral arc of the universe bends at the elbow of justice.

You have to have sharp elbows if you want to change something.

Enclosing every thin man, there's a fat man demanding elbow-room.

It's going to be the year of the sharp elbow and the quick tongue.

My plastic surgeon ... said my face looked like a bouquet of elbows.

Politics is a contact sport - a question of accepting an elbow or two.

I kept thinking I would be spending my life up to my elbows in shampoo.

The game of basketball is not played with throwing punches, throwing elbows.

Thou sodden-witted lord! thou hast no more brain than I have in mine elbows.

If God built me a ladder to heaven, I would climb it and elbow drop the world

I can lick my elbow. I know that's supposed to be impossible, but I can do it!

When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow.

I've had my elbows operated on, both my knees are shot, I've got stitches everywhere.

In order to represent life on the stage, we must rub elbows with life, live ourselves

She was a woman who, between courses, could be graceful with her elbows on the table.

In order to represent life on the stage, we must rub elbows with life, live ourselves.

You may get skinned knees and elbows, but it's worth it if you score a spectacular goal.

When a Man has Married a WifeHe finds out whetherHer Knees & elbows are onlyglued together.

I was teased about Indian food and the colour of my skin and why my knees and elbows were dark.

It occured to Starling how much Roden would benefit from an elbow smash in the hinge of his jaw.

Mere fact has no chance of being formally perfect. It will get in the way, it will be all elbows.

Jon Jones is amazing; he's so confident. He uses his elbows very well, and I think he's a great talent.

That was the era when we might have destroyed Russia completely and not even skinned our elbows doing it.

Necessity invented stools, Convenience next suggested elbow-chairs, And luxury the accomplish'd Sofa last.

I'm skinny, but a soft skinny. I have strong legs, but my arms are like pea pods with single peas for elbows.

I really focus on making sure that we pass good policy. I don't mind throwing my elbows around to get it done.

Rock is so much fun. That's what it's all about - filling up the chest cavities and empty kneecaps and elbows.

But I still feel I waste a lot of time leaning on my elbow and thinking to myself, 'alright sucker, now what?'

I think the desire to be funny was a mixture of wanting to be liked but also wanting to throw your elbows a bit.

I've had an operation on my knee, two operations on my hand, injuries on elbows and stuff but you get through it.

I am double jointed in my elbow. So I can turn it all the way around and then bend it so it looks like it's broken.

Well, being my type of fighter and my type of guy, you know I throw a lot of barrage of punches, kicks, knees and elbows.

I have no trouble with the twelve inches between my elbow and my palm. It's the seven inches between my ears that's bent.

I should like to elbow aside the established pieties and raise my martini glass in salute to the mortal arts of pleasure.

Someone is always at my elbow reminding me that I am the granddaughter of slaves. It fails to register depression with me.

A lot of male cinematographers stick a pillow to their stomachs so they have somewhere to rest their elbows while shooting.

We [Elbow] have had some luck with media syncs in film and on TV. We'd love to do a soundtrack with a really cool director.

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