I'm enamored with the art world.

I'm not really enamored by movie stars.

The rich are always enamored of the ancient.

I remember being totally enamored with Sid Caesar.

I'm really enamored of the potato in all its guises.

I grew up during Watergate. I was enamored of the study of that.

People are either enamored with me or wonder if they can take me.

I was enamored with him. And I was excited. And I was enjoying it.

I'm still as enamored and turned on by work as I was when I was young.

I was enamored with Charles Dickens as a kid, and his names blew me away.

I give the name violence to a boldness lying idle and enamored of danger.

Back in '93 I saw my first UFC fight and just became enamored by it then.

I have to write the songs before I become too enamored with my own melodies.

I was blessed to grow up with parents who weren't enamored of show business.

If I had met Judd Nelson in my late twenties, I would have been pretty enamored!

I am very enamored with the free press, and I was part of it for a period of time.

You learn very quickly what people are so enamored with, and it's not necessarily me.

When I was a kid in the '50s, I was very enamored of beatniks and... a kind of dark sensibility.

I was always enamored with TV shows and movies. But you didn't grow up in my town and turn into an actor.

Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.

Don't ever be enamored by what something sells for. It's more important what you get to keep in your pocket.

When I wrote 'Dopamine,' I was so enamored by Los Angeles and finally making music I was really excited about.

There was a time when I was enamored of the Clintons. I knocked on doors, phone-banked and rallied during his campaign.

It's the best thing, when you are in a creative space, discovering something and being enamored with it and excited by it.

My name, Solange, means 'Angel of the sun,' and I'm completely enamored of my African history. The culture is so expressive.

I believe that I'm an actor to this day because of 'Star Wars.' I saw 'Star Wars' as a child, and I was completely enamored by it.

I am, in fact, enamored by Lucknow with all its minarets and its monuments. It is a place where you can get lost in the old world.

I became enamored with photography when I was about 13 or 14 years old. I've been at it ever since. I studied seriously in the '70s.

Conservative, n: A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal who wishes to replace them with others.

Would we be so enamored with dystopian fiction if we lived in a culture where violent death was a major concern? It wouldn't be escapism.

A lot of scouts and people are enamored with athleticism and youth. So they take that any day over mature, high-quality basketball players.

I've always been very enamored of European newsmagazines - the 'Spiegel' kind of magazine, which has an energetic, high-low approach to news.

There were a few years there when I was just so enamored with the idea of living some sort of famous person's lifestyle that really isn't suited to me.

I'm from Los Angeles, and growing up here, I've always been enamored by Hollywood and the industry. It's just something I grew up with, and I loved it.

Women who marry early are often overly enamored of the kind of man who looks great in wedding pictures and passes the maid of honor his telephone number.

I was so enamored with the idea of being in show business so everything was bright to me. I mean, I didn't think of it as being tough and things like that.

I'd studied English literature at university, but I was also far more enamored with Virginia Woolf, Katherine Mansfield, and James Joyce. That was my passion.

I feel my advantage of coming from a film family is - having seen fame up close, having seen the industry so close and how it works, I was not enamored by fame.

And so it was interesting for me to find myself very enamored of a Republican president, but Ronald Reagan was someone I thought captured the spirit of America.

My real uncle was a pilot in the Indian Air Force (IAF). I was very enamored with him because he had a great personality. He used to look dashing in his uniform.

I grew up in a miniature village in the middle of the countryside in England, quite secluded from the outside world. I was always enamored by the fashion industry.

At my first Golden Globes, I met people I was very much enamored by: Julianne Moore, Meryl Streep, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. It was surreal to see them in person.

I was enamored with music at a very young age. Everything started with kundiman, then evolved to Carpenters, Barbra Streisand, Barry Manilow, and eventually classic rock music.

Every age has found some alternative to American values appealing. The number of Western intellectuals enamored of fascism and all the various expressions of Marxism was legion.

Our love of Hollywood-style glamour helped elect two presidents: JFK and Reagan, who fulfilled the prophecy that a country so enamored of actors would eventually make one their president.

I used to watch every episode of 'Justice League,' I went to all the movies, I had the Superman lunchbox. I was enamored with animation in general and always wanted to somehow be a part of it.

I'm enamored with the art world. Anytime you look at anything that's considered artistic, there's a commercial world around it: the ballet, opera, any kind of music. It can't exist without it.

Everybody's enamored of the iPhone, the Google phone. But the applications are going to change. You know, we're going to start using our phones for shopping. It's going to change the nature of advertising.

I've always been totally enamored by hip-hop. I wouldn't say I liked it exclusively growing up. It was, like, that and alt-rock. But I always preferred it. It set a tone for everything I wanted to do in life.

It wasn't until I went to Korea out of high school and got exposed to the martial arts for the first time and was just completely enamored with the physical ability of the martial arts and making my black belt.

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