The right-wing just loves making a big entrance.

His mouth is for export and his head has no entrance.

Marriage, a market which has nothing free but the entrance.

I do like large entrances, but this was a little too large.

All men have one entrance into life, and the like going out.

Destroyers were the first to herald our entrance into the war.

The tank entrance at WrestleMania 31 is my favorite moment in WWE.

Sketches have characters, exits, entrances and are vastly different.

The entrance strategy is actually more important than the exit strategy.

We've created rigidities at the entrance point in artisanal occupations.

We need to look for ways to secure our schools, single-point of entrance.

The classroom should be an entrance into the world, not an escape from it.

People don't realize there's a whole separate entrance to the White House for journalists.

If you're going to learn about entrances from anyone, you might learn from the Undertaker.

If I go to a concert or sporting event I usually go in a VIP entrance. And leave the same way.

Wal-Mart's slogan 'Save money, live better' promises a lot. So does its entrance into Chicago.

I like to be glamorous so I love the clothing and the big entrances. It needs to be spectacular!

It wasn't until later in my career that I really focused on the importance on making an entrance.

The very end of me mom's road is the back entrance to Bray Head. Usually climb it when I get home.

Before I left the castle I so fixed its entrances that never more can the Count enter there Undead.

There are some mosques with facilities for women; it's usually a back room with a back-door entrance.

I can go to my own opening, and the security guard will tell me that I have to go to the security entrance.

Into every soul, however purged and fenced, evil appears to have as much freedom of entrance as God Himself.

Even though I'm still doing the singing entrances, with promos and backstages, I was being me as a performer.

I think there is a poem out there for everyone, to be an entrance into the poetry and a relationship with it.

The bomb and the entrance of the Russians into the war will certainly have an effect on hastening the victory.

My entrance to music was singing gospel in church, and to hear that gospel language in a hip-hop song was cool.

I'm a broadway girl, so anytime someone would sing my entrance music, that was probably my absolute favorite thing.

Affairs are easier of entrance than of exit; and it is but common prudence to see our way out before we venture in.

Both mind and heart when given up to reveries and dreaminess, have a thousand avenues open for the entrance of evil.

As to the presidency, the two happiest days of my life were those of my entrance upon the office and my surrender of it.

I embody 'Ravishing.' I come out in the most ravishing dress. I have a ravishing entrance. I'm ravishing people's hearts.

The Beijing Olympics represent China's grand entrance onto the world stage and confirmation of its new superpower status.

Perhaps no place in any community is so totally democratic as the town library. The only entrance requirement is interest.

When I make my entrance to the ring or give someone a high-five, I want them to feel happy and always remember that moment.

One good way of measuring the mood in Israel is just how alert or relaxed the guards at every restaurant entrance appear to be.

Music is the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind but which mankind cannot comprehend.

Growing up, I was a big boxing and wrestling fan. I love people like the Undertaker and Prince Naseem: they knew how to make a big entrance!

A racially integrated community is a chronological term timed from the entrance of the first black family to the exit of the last white family.

Wrestling has a tremendous entrance plan. You come in, and it's, 'Boy, here you are. It's rock and roll; it's wonderful.' It's got no exit plan.

As we had no part of our will on our entrance into this life, we should not presume to any on our leaving it, but soberly learn to will which He wills.

I'm proud of everything I do, but I think I'm the most happy about becoming a rapper. It was my entrance into everything. That helped me get into acting.

Here before us was sufficient evidence to show that it really was an entrance to a tomb, and by the seals, to all outward appearances that it was intact.

The story of my life is about back entrances, side doors, secret elevators and other ways of getting in and out of places so that people won't bother me.

I think we were in London for TV and David Hasselhoff was guest host of 'Raw'. We had the match where we did the slo-mo entrance run. It was really funny.

When the mind once allows a doubt to gain entrance, the value of deeds performed grow less, their character changes, we forget the past and dread the future.

The mission for the day is to encourage students to think beyond traditional career opportunities, prepare for future careers and entrance into the workplace.

I always used to get goosebumps in Madison Square Garden, because as soon as I started making my entrance, people would be chanting my name. 'BRU-NO! BRU-NO!'

My mum knew if I got out of Kolkata, I wouldn't return. So she made me sit for the entrance of St Xavier's. But once I set foot in Delhi, there was no returning.

Lincoln's removal from New Salem to Springfield and his entrance into a law partnership with Major John T. Stuart begin a distinctively new period in his career.

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