I don't like writing essays or theory.

The point of the essay is to change things.

The law of the innermost form of the essay is heresy

There is no room for the impurities of literature in an essay.

Contradictory strands create an essay that's richly ambivalent.

I don't believe in writing for goals, or else I'd write essays.

Many good poets are really essayists who write very short essays.

I like English, and I like writing essays, and that kind of stuff.

I write essays to clear my mind. I write fiction to open my heart.

Fiction and essays can create empathy for the theoretical stranger.

I'm really into short-story collections and essays; they're my jam.

I don't know if I have a book in me, but I'm sure I have more essays.

You must read a lot of personal essays - you needn't reinvent the wheel.

Someone who can write aphorisms should not fritter away his time in essays.

I write many essays on whales. I love whales, especially orcas. And dolphins.

I have written stories, essays, even whole books on trains, scribble-scribble.

For me, writing essays, prose and fiction is a great way to be self-indulgent.

Sometimes the essay is where we end up when everything that we know must change.

I love essays, but they're not always the best way to communicate to a larger audience.

Since childhood, I wrote a lot of fiction, a lot of stories, but I most loved writing essays.

I love to run smart essays and commentary. But it doesn't replace the other kind of reporting.

Essays just aren't my thing: no matter how hard I tried, it seemed I was always a bit average.

Maybe I will write a memoir, perhaps I'll do some essays, or maybe I will write a mystery story.

I'm not an impersonator. I've only got one voice and only do one guy and his first-person essays.

I think the pattern of my essays is, A funny thing happened to me on my way through Finnegans Wake.

Most good essays are conversations with yourself - not just your decided thoughts but your dilemmas.

When it comes to the personal essays I write, I just convince myself that no one will ever read them.

I always did well on the essay questions. Just put everything you know on there, maybe you'll hit it.

I usually dread writing non-fiction. I don't feel comfortable or confident writing essays and the like.

I think it's hard to have a full-time job and write fiction, but for essays, you need to be in the world.

I still have some of my old University essays, and I do still have my drawing book from primary year seven.

Angkor is perhaps the greatest of Man's essays in rectangular architecture that has yet been brought to life.

People aren't coming to me looking for political essays or polemic - they're looking for a rattling good story.

Many years, I would publish four books - an anthology, a book of criticism, a new book of poems, a book of essays.

Drama school is fundamentally practical. I didn't write any essays, so I came out with a BA honors degree in acting.

I wouldn't be making films if I just wanted to express some specific ideas; then I would be writing essays or something.

My high-school papers, my college-application essays, read like Norman Mailer packed in a crunchy-peanut-butter sandwich.

The ingredients that make a good poem often differ from those that make a good essay and from those that make a good novel.

I have more than 100 legal pads filled with handwriting. Eight novels, two books for children, countless stories and essays.

For me, writing essays is very much about processing ideas and offering them up to the reader so that they are fully cooked.

I won't say ours was a tough school, but we had our own coroner. We used to write essays like: What I'm going to be if I grow up.

In effect I am not a novelist, but rather a failed essayist who started to write novels because he didn't know how to write essays.

I'm a disciple of Raymond Chandler, who said in his essays that there's a quality of redemption in anything that can be called art.

I enjoy writing personal essays in the way of Charles Lamb because it goes back to the school days when I was good in writing essays.

I love writing essays and articles, so it's hard for me to resist taking assignments that inevitably pull me away from larger projects.

I am waiting impatiently for the day when beleaguered, like-minded academics can order James Wolcott's collected essays for their classes.

Essays, entitled critical, are epistles addressed to the public, through which the mind of the recluse relieves itself of its impressions.

I have lots of fiction in the drawer, but the essays I mostly kick out into the world, ready or not. Fiction incubates differently, I suppose.

At university level, I had an economics lecturer who used to joke that I was the only student who handed in essays on British Airways notepaper.

I started writing when I was in school. I wrote essays and in my teen years I used to write sorrowful sad stories and poems as you do at the age.

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