I think I don't regret a single 'excess' of my responsive youth - I ...

I think I don't regret a single 'excess' of my responsive youth - I only regret, in my chilled age, certain occasions and possibilities I didn't embrace.

The excess of our youth are checks written against our age and they ...

The excess of our youth are checks written against our age and they are payable with interest thirty years later.

Excess is success.

Excess weakens the spirits.

Nothing exceeds like excess.

Nothing Succeeds like excess!

The excess of pleasure is pain

In charity there is no excess.

Anything in excess is a poison.

America is a country of excess.

I like excess. And giant M&M's.

You're in a mess, and in excess.

There is moderation even in excess.

Excess makes the heart grow fonder.

Crime is a product of social excess.

In excess altercation, truth is lost.

Sensual excess drives out pity in man.

Pride and excess bring disaster for man.

Abbesses' recesses are not for excesses!

Allow not nature more than nature needs.

Pride and excess bring disaster for man.

When sages commend excess, Desire is sick.

Excess of wealth is cause of covetousness.

Writing means revealing oneself to excess.

All is wholesome in the absence of excess.

Excess always carries its own retribution.

Drag culture has always been about excess.

Everything in excess is opposed to nature.

We pay when old for the excesses of youth.

Our vices are the excesses of our virtues.

Excess is the common substitute for energy.

Excess and deficiency are equally at fault.

Excess always carries it's own retributions.

The word 'excess' has no meaning for a male.

The best things carried to excess are wrong.

Everyone became brave from excess of terror.

the excess of all good things is mischievous.

The ass bears the load, but not the overload.

An excess of childhood is the germ of a poem.

Anything worth doing is worth doing to excess.

Such excess of passion is quite out of fashion

Life is about balance too much excess is chaos.

Never order food in excess of your body weight.

The worst excesses of the dot-com era are gone.

An excess of reason is itself a form of madness

The mother of excess is not joy but joylessness.

Austerity causes constipation; excess, diarrhea.

An excess of hoarded wealth is the death of many.

Of what delights are we deprived by our excesses!

Everything in moderation, with occasional excess.

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