I invented the cordless extension cord.

For me, cooking is an extension of love.

Make-up is an extension of your clothes.

My food is an extension of my personality.

Wrestling is just an extension of who I am.

In fact, dance is an extension of who I am.

I'm an extension of the coach on the floor.

Science fiction is an extension of science.

Characters are an extension of your imagination.

Green fingers are the extension of a verdant heart.

Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm.

Music videos, to me, are like an extension of a song.

I'm interested in music as an extension of character.

To me, politics is an extension of what I do in medicine.

Aakhri Pasta is an extension of Sajid Khan's personality.

I see technology as being an extension of the human body.

I started as a drummer. The feet are an extension of that.

To me acting originally became an extension of game playing.

Actually, Hogan is an extension of what I used to do on radio.

A man's car is like an extension of their ego and their manhood.

My Hyderabad home is an extension to my family's Delhi residence.

My music and lyrics became an extension of this Indian philosophy.

I don't play a character. It's totally just an extension of myself.

What I wear is an extension of how I feel, so it's always changing.

Kids are an extension of you and it is important to raise them well.

Your space, when done correctly, is the purest extension of yourself!

Northern Iraq has become, economically, a natural extension of Turkey.

My guitar is not a thing. It is an extension of myself. It is who I am.

My hand is the extension of the thinking process - the creative process.

Supreme Court justices should not be an extension of the Republican Party.

Our live show is a definite experience, since it's an extension of my albums.

The Call of Duty Endowment is a natural philanthropic extension of our brand.

The extension of women's rights is the basic principle of all social progress.

A design that I create is like my own extension. It's 'thinking made visible.'

I see everything I do as an extension of the ministry. It's all about service.

The human psyche shows that each individual is an extension of all of existence.

Lifespan extension has never really been a goal of aging science, nor should it.

Can our mind evolve to be something other than an extension of our animal needs?

Work has never really been work for me. It's been a natural extension of my life.

I think dance is my extension. There is nothing that I can imagine without dance.

I've always been interested in clothing because it's an extension of how we feel.

To claim the World Bank is just an extension of U.S. foreign policy is just wrong.

Yes, politics IS war without bloodshed; and war is an extension of those politics.

My clothes are an extension of my personality. I'd look awful in ladylike dresses.

Mountains and oceans do not furnish any impassable barrier to the extension of trade.

Every day is an extension of my growth, of every thing I've become and want to become.

After Team B.A.D. split and the Brand Extension, I got injured and took some time off.

Being an actor is an extension of telling a story and I loved story telling as a child.

My music is an extension of who I am and what I went through and what I know musically.

If you are a creative person, you try to create things that are an extension of yourself.

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